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PLEASE HELP! Prevent customer to from buying more than what is available in inventory

PLEASE HELP! Prevent customer to from buying more than what is available in inventory

21 0 1

Is there a code for shopify to prevent customer to from buying more than what is available in inventory. I have 2 variants, 2 pendants and 5 necklaces . Once all the pendants are added to cart , I need the add button to display sold out even when there are necklaces left. 


My site



I only have 2 yellow brass in my inventory, If customer add 2 yellow brass with necklace 14in into cart , I need the add button to gray or or something so they cannot continue to add 2 yellow brass with necklace 16in. 

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
56 2 4

Hi @tigrisjewelryco ,


We've developed an app called Fusion Inventory to help track inventory properly for this use case and to prevent overselling. Our help site has details on how it works.


Feel free to check it out and to reach out to me by email if you have any questions.

I can be reached at aosoble[AT]fusioninventory.app