Focusing on managing products, variants, and collections through the API.
I noticed that if I query the variants of the products using the bulk operation, the corresponding translation values are not the same as the GraphQL response. The title field is missing.
My bulk operation query:
mutation { bulkOperationRunQuery( query: """ { products (query: "status:active") { edges { node { id title createdAt tracksInventory hasOnlyDefaultVariant description handle productType tracksInventory tags vendor totalInventory featuredImage { url id } variants { edges { node { id sku price compareAtPrice barcode inventoryQuantity inventoryPolicy selectedOptions { key: name value } image { url id } translations(locale: "hu") { key value locale } } } } } } } } """ ) { bulkOperation { id status } userErrors { field message } } }
The response to a product variant with bulk request:
{ "id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/43718416990438", "title": "OS / black", "sku": "AD-03-black-OS", "price": "70.00", "compare_at_price": null, "barcode": null, "inventory_quantity": 7, "inventory_policy": "DENY", "options": [ { "name": "Size", "value": "OS" }, { "name": "Color", "value": "black" } ], "image": null, "translations": [ { "key": "option2", "value": "fekete", "locale": "hu" } ], "__parentId": "gid://shopify/Product/8177258037478" }
My GraphQL for one product:
{ product(id: "gid://shopify/Product/8177258037478") { id title createdAt tracksInventory hasOnlyDefaultVariant body_html: description handle productType tracksInventory tags vendor totalInventory featuredImage { url id } variants(first: 10) { edges { node { id sku title price compareAtPrice barcode inventory_quantity: inventoryQuantity inventory_policy: inventoryPolicy selectedOptions { name value } image { url id } translations(locale: "hu") { key value locale } } } } } }
The response to a product variant with GraphQL:
{ "data": { "product": { "id": "gid://shopify/Product/8177258037478", "title": "ADIDAS | CLASSIC BACKPACK", "createdAt": "2023-03-28T14:52:35Z", "tracksInventory": true, "hasOnlyDefaultVariant": false, "body_html": "This women's backpack has a glam look, thanks to a faux-leather build with an allover fur print. The front zip pocket keeps small things within reach, while an interior divider reins in potential chaos.", "handle": "adidas-classic-backpack", "productType": "ACCESSORIES", "tags": [ "adidas", "backpack", "egnition-sample-data" ], "vendor": "ADIDAS", "totalInventory": 7, "featuredImage": { "url": "", "id": "gid://shopify/ProductImage/39334821527782" }, "variants": { "edges": [ { "node": { "id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/43718416990438", "sku": "AD-03-black-OS", "title": "OS / black", "price": "70.00", "compareAtPrice": null, "barcode": null, "inventory_quantity": 7, "inventory_policy": "DENY", "selectedOptions": [ { "name": "Size", "value": "OS" }, { "name": "Color", "value": "black" } ], "image": null, "hu": [ { "key": "option2", "value": "fekete", "locale": "hu" }, { "key": "title", "value": "OS / fekete", "locale": "hu" } ] } }, { "node": { "id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/43861375549670", "sku": "", "title": "OS / green", "price": "70.00", "compareAtPrice": null, "barcode": "", "inventory_quantity": 0, "inventory_policy": "DENY", "selectedOptions": [ { "name": "Size", "value": "OS" }, { "name": "Color", "value": "green" } ], "image": null, "hu": [ { "key": "option2", "value": "zöld", "locale": "hu" }, { "key": "title", "value": "OS / zöld", "locale": "hu" } ] } } ] }, "collections": { "edges": [ { "node": { "id": "gid://shopify/Collection/414458904806", "title": "ADIDAS", "description": "Adidas collection", "image": { "url": "", "id": "gid://shopify/CollectionImage/1686760128742" }, "handle": "adidas" } } ] } } }, "extensions": { "cost": { "requestedQueryCost": 66, "actualQueryCost": 16, "throttleStatus": { "maximumAvailable": 1000.0, "currentlyAvailable": 984, "restoreRate": 50.0 } } } }
Can you tell me why the two answers are not the same? Perhaps a fix for this problem is expected in the near future?