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Product With fixed dollar price across countries

Product With fixed dollar price across countries

Shopify Partner
5 0 3

Hello Everyone, good day. I am developing a shopify app that creates product upon installation. The challenge I am encountering right now is how to make the product have a fixed dollar price across countries. I hope anyone can help me. Thanks in advance!


I am using GraphQL to create a product and update its variant. I used the following:

  • createProductWithOptions
  • productVariantUpdate

The productVarientUpdate accepts an input with type ProductVariantInput which only accepts price that uses local currency.


Sample Input:


    "id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/$ID",
    "price": "0.50",
    "inventoryItem": {
      "cost": 0.0,
      "requiresShipping": false,
      "tracked": false
    "inventoryPolicy": "CONTINUE"    


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