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Rest Api group collections and subcollections

Rest Api group collections and subcollections

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

For example there is 150 collections - The aim to get these collections in Groups.

For example:
Electronics - main category
- Camera & photo - sub category
- Cell phones & accessories - sub category
--- Headphones - sub category of sub category
- Television & video - sub category

for example resultis :
name - Electronics
id - 2222222
collection id -0 

name - Camera & photo 
id - 4444444
collection id -2222222


get navigation menu of grouped collections

Group collections and hide it and use it only for API - to get structured collections with the name of Main collection

All options are good - even if its somehow with tags or whatever

Please help me. and if its possible in more details

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
1831 273 423

Hey @SardorAlif 


Can you please elaborate - are you trying to create groups to then use in the Online Store, or use the API to fetch specific groups of products?


Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Nope I need to group by category collections - and get it from REST API, to create in our app some kind of menu with submenus.
Just I have about 150 collections - and they are not grouped by similarity

For example:
- Cell phones
- TV
- Headphones
- Video
- Accessories


- T-shirts
- Pants
- Hoodies 
and etc