Can discounts be applied to every 4th item sold in an order?

Can discounts be applied to every 4th item sold in an order?

New Member
4 0 0

When it comes to the selection of only apply discount once per order, I want to say offer a discount for 4 of an item sold. If I don't select once per order will it then discount the 5th,6th,7th etc. Or keep discounting every 4 like I want?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
1786 118 231

Hey, @MikeyBoy44!


Selecting the checkbox to set a maximum number of uses per order will limit the amount of times the discount applies on an order.




If you want the discount to continue applying when a customer adds more products to their cart, leave this box unchecked. For example, if the discount is buy 3 get 1 free, leaving this box unchecked will allow a customer to buy 6 and get 2 free, or buy 9 and get 3 free, etc.


Further down the page in the discount settings, there is a section for Maximum discount uses, where you can limit the discount to one use per customer if you'd like. This option would prevent the same customer (same email address) from placing multiple orders with the same code.

Sophia | Social Care @ Shopify 
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