customer present chargeback upheld when chip and pin used successfully and payment authorised

customer present chargeback upheld when chip and pin used successfully and payment authorised

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we had a customer spend nearly £1000 in store - he successfully used chip and pin and the payment was authorised (Barclays visa.) We had a chargeback about a month later, and presented our evidence that the payment was authorised and successfully used chip and pin, but now 2 months later Barclays has found in customer's favour - fraudulent use of card.

This does not seem right - who can I raise the dispute with?  No-one I have spoken to thinks we should lose out as a retailer if chip and pin was authorised..

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
1457 105 204

Hi, @ianhart.


Thank you for reaching out. I am sorry to hear you have had a chargeback against your store. 


Once a decision has been made, there isn't a way to to change it unfortunately. The decision is purely up to your customers bank once they have reviewed all the evidence. 


Please let me know if you have any further questions! 
Take care, 

Emily | Social Care @ Shopify 
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