How can I exclude gift card payments in retail sales by staff reports?

How can I exclude gift card payments in retail sales by staff reports?

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My staff gets paid commission so I want to use the "Retail sales by staff at register" page in "Reports" but I want to exclude sales that were paid with a gift card. The "Payments" page in Reports doesn't have the option to see it by staff member and vice versa.

Are there any filters I'm missing that I can use? Are there any other reports to get this information?

Replies 3 (3)

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364 13 26

Hi @gsun 

This is John from Report Pundit. Report Pundit is a cost-effective app that is helping merchants take data-driven actions.

With Report Pundit it is possible to create the "Sales by staff" report, and filter it to exclude sales paid by gift card.

Also, Report Pundit gives you the option to export the data in Excel, CSV and PDF formats. We can also export and send the data to your Google Sheet as well.

If you are still looking for a solution, then please contact us at or though our live chat support.



Report Pundit - Instant reports and custom dashboards

Shopify Partner
611 49 106

Hi there - our free Report Toaster app can help. Please feel free to take a look and let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!

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42 1 4


This is exactly what EasyTeam does - you can check it out here.



Founder of @EasyTeam ( - A staff management & payroll platform for Shopify & Shopify POS.