How can I track sales from retail store QR codes?

How can I track sales from retail store QR codes?

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Hi Everyone,

I am looking to expand my shop by partnering with Retail stores to hang displays in their stores. Customers at these stores will be able to scan a QR code/type in a link on their phones which brings them to my website (I sell personalized products). They will be able to order directly from my website, and the retail store will get a commission for the sales generated. 


I need to determine some way to create links that I am able to determine which sales came from which retail store. I am looking at the possibility of using something like Bitly to create custom URL's. However, I am hoping there is an easier way that allows me to track which QR code/link a customer used, tied to a retail store. It would also be great if I could give these customers a 10% discount on their orders, that would be automatically applied to their carts from scanning the QR code/ typing in the custom URL. 


Does anyone have any suggestions on tools/apps I could use to do this?





Replies 3 (3)

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I believe there are QR relevant apps that generate dynamic QRs and even help you track the links


QR Code Generator Hub is one of the apps out there.

QR Code Magical QRs is another




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Create of QR Code Generator Hub here. We have a *lot* of Shopify merchants that use our app to do *exactly* what you described.  Our app also has many features to help with this exact use case (such as QR Code order attribution).


Feel free to contact us if we can be any help on getting this setup!

Shopify Partner
41 2 6

Hello @Apalmer 


That's a great idea to expand your online sales!


Our app Releasit QR Code Generator allows you to do everything you requested! You can create a fully customizable dynamic QR Code (so that you can always change the destination of your QRs even after you have printed them) and you can link the QR Code to your online store home page, a product page, a collection or any other custom URL.


Each QR Code is automatically tracked within Shopify and you can also get scan data on the app itself so that you know which QR Codes are scanned the most and you can see which QR Codes have a higher purchase conversion rate.


Finally you can add a discount code to the QR Code directly from the app. The discount code will be automatically applied to your customers' orders when they scan the QR.



You can install the app for free from the Shopify App Store here:


If you need help with the app or you need a custom feature we offer 24/7 support via email, WhatsApp and Telegram!


Hope this helps!


Marco from Releasit