How to fix POS app and payment swiper connectivity issues?

How to fix POS app and payment swiper connectivity issues?

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We have been having issues for quite awhile with some of our staff members not being able to connect the POS app to the payment swippers. Their phones and apps are updated, they have uninstalled and reinstalled the POS app, and restarted their phones. Nothing seems to be working and we have an event coming up that we need to be able to rely on everyone being able to connect and stay connected. Any tips or ideas?



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
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Thanks for getting in touch. If you're experiencing issues with your POS hardware, I'd recommend reaching out to our Retail team directly as they're best placed to help you troubleshoot these problems. You can speak with them by heading to the Help Center, logging in, and selecting "Store management" and then "Retail and Shopify POS". You'll then be presented with various contact options.

Victor | Social Care @ Shopify 
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