Incorrect tax rounding when a dollar value discount is applied to an item in the cart

Incorrect tax rounding when a dollar value discount is applied to an item in the cart

14 0 29

Recently had a $.01 issue with a customer. Briefly:


We sell tea towels, $11.50 or 2 for $20... 

Customer buys two tea towels, so on one of the tea towels we manually discount $3 to bring her subtotal down to $20. However, when the tax is calculated, it rounds an extra cent onto the total. So, it should be $22.60 (at our 13% tax rate), but it totals to $22.61.... this may seem like a minor issue, given it's only a cent, however we have had a number of customers mention this to us.

Could this be resolved? Thanks.

Reply 1 (1)

52 0 55

I believe the way the system actually works is that it runs taxes for each tax line item (one for city, county, state). In doing this, when you add them up, one may round up and cause the total to be off.

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