Is it possible to make email optional for POS staff account setup?

Is it possible to make email optional for POS staff account setup?

10 0 5

I have a number of POS staff, each have their PIN, but when setting up, I'm required to provide an email.  It seems odd to create dummy email addresses because it's not ethical to direct personal emails to receive business content, and it's not sensible to pay for email accounts for staff members without devices to use them.

Can we make the email an optional feature when creating staff accounts, it's creating 'gunk' in your database with fake email addresses being used to work around the issue.



Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
1786 117 230

Hello, @Matt_Beaudoin!

Sophia here from Shopify. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback on Point of Sale staff accounts. I agree that it doesn't make sense to create paid custom emails, and I appreciate that you don't want your staff using their personal emails for business.

Since contact information is currently required for staff accounts, the only other option that comes to mind is asking staff to set up a free email address for work (like a gmail or hotmail address). I understand that this isn't ideal, so I've submitted feedback on your behalf to our developers. While I can't promise when and if this will change, any updates or new platform features will be posted on the Shopify changelog.

Thanks again for sharing your feedback here!

Sophia | Social Care @ Shopify 
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8 0 2

This is ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as the limit of 5 staff accounts. We are a small business with several part time employees that only work a few hours a week. Most are retired and not tech savvy. When we signed up we had unlimited staff accounts with pins for our POS system and then you guys changed the rules. So unfair. Please keep the small business owners in mind and increase sterling POS pin accounts and remove the email address requirements. It serves no purpose for us and gives no benefit just costs more to have Shopify. We communicate verbally with our employees not by email and have no desire to be like big corporations. We have a paid gmail suite for our Adminstration personnel but shouldn’t be required to have an work email just for Shopify. If the business owner doesn’t have a need for a work email why should Shopify?