Is there a methode to run the same assortment on two shops (API?)

Is there a methode to run the same assortment on two shops (API?)

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Hi I know this probably isn't the most standard of questions on the forum.

But the following might be occurring.

We are able to take-over an other website in our industry. This website sales their products solley online.

We have a fysical shop and a Shopify Shop like they do. Our fysical shop is connected trough the POS of Papal/Zettle.
Because on the long run we would run this second store we are planning one using one store to get all the products online. So adding product/disctiption/picture/ect. Adding all products double makes no sense, therefore the question popped in mind of a construction where in we need to add the products once and they will appear in the new webshop too.

Bit like already is happeing with our APi connection now towards our fysical shop.

Does anybody know if this is possible and if so, how this can be set-up?

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