Looking up a product by variant - i.e. Size?


Looking up a product by variant - i.e. Size?

266 5 219

We have both an online and brick and mortar store.

The bulk of our sales are at our brick and mortar.


Many times, customers are looking for a particular size.  

Is there any way a shop owner has been able to figure out a way to find all products of a certain size? 

We have our products tagged by age ranges....but tags are NOT tied to the variant level of size.

I've tried to see if collections could be used, but I cannot seem to figure a way to do this, also not at variant level.


Any ideas, recommendations or apps that may be out there are welcomed!!!






Accepted Solution (1)

266 5 219

This is an accepted solution.

Today I see there is now a selection of variant title on the collection conditions.

I can now have a collection where the size contains the number I'm looking for and the inventory qty is > 0.
This definitely gets us close enough to lookup whats available in a size when we are on the shop floor with the customer. 


Thanks shopify! 


View solution in original post

Reply 1 (1)

266 5 219

This is an accepted solution.

Today I see there is now a selection of variant title on the collection conditions.

I can now have a collection where the size contains the number I'm looking for and the inventory qty is > 0.
This definitely gets us close enough to lookup whats available in a size when we are on the shop floor with the customer. 


Thanks shopify!