POS does not allow option for physical giftcard. Help please.

POS does not allow option for physical giftcard. Help please.

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im in need of some assistance. We added a giftcard in products. Then went to the POS to activate digital and physical gift cards under the settings menu (I have done this before on another shop) and the settings does not give me the option. It states to “add a gift card under admin). Can someone assist with why this is occurring? Thank you.

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once you add a gift card product in the Shopify Admin, and you make sure that it's active on the POS channel you need to go to your POS app and go to Settings > Gift Card (in the POS app) and make sure you have it set to issue both physical and digital gift cards. Then you will have the option to issue a digital or physical gift card everytime you add a gift card to the cart on the POS.