POS Product Add Ons (with qty and unique pricing)

POS Product Add Ons (with qty and unique pricing)

2 0 0


I am a consultant helping one of my customers with their Shopify POS and web environment. They run a coffee shop. They want to make it easier to add coffee flavor and dairy add-ons in their POS orders. I'm curious if anyone has a solution for this? Not sure if there is a way to also have this post visible in the Apps group as well?


  1. We already have the various flavors and dairy items added as inventory items in our POS, they have pricing tied to them
  2. We would have the base item (some sort of drink) and then want to be able to offer a syrup add-on as well as a dairy add-on, and those add-ons have a price associated with them
  3. With our syrup and dairy add-ons I want to be able to allow qty (i.e. I want 3 shots of vanilla flavor)
  4. The base items also have variants (16 oz drink vs 20 oz drink)
  5. We don't want these add-ons to become more variants in the system, they're truly unique inventory add-ons.

Kind regards,


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
19 0 4


Did you find solution for this? We have the same requirement.
