Possible to have a dedicated store front per Shopify POS?

Possible to have a dedicated store front per Shopify POS?

New Member
6 0 0

We are migrating from Square to Shopify POS. On Square we were able to relatively easily deploy a dedicated online storefront for each POS solution. In other words we had a store link that was specific to a POS/retail location that would only list items with inventory in those stores.

It seems that with Shopify+ and POS the approach is there is only a single store and location selection / inventory indication happens way later in the process (PDP?) ?

Are these assumptions correct or does Shopify POS ship with a similar feature of a "POS specific" online storefront offering?

Replies 3 (3)

New Member
6 0 0

Anyone with any input?

New Member
6 0 0

can you unpack / give pointers?

2 0 0

Did you ever receive any help? Seems there isn't much on migrating from Square to Shopify.. others have had to do this! Hope all worked out!