Rendr not showing unless code applied at checkout

Rendr not showing unless code applied at checkout

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(Location: Australia, we sell in Australia only)


I have a strange one - we have had Rendr as a delivery service for years and never had a problem until recently where it automatically disconnected from our site. 


I have since reconnected it and can confirm that it is a part of our checkout and cart options. 


Costumers have been reaching out a lot more recently regarding this which is how I was alerted to it disconnecting in the first place. 


The issue is that I manually added an order for a customer over the phone today, and I put all of their details into the cart to checkout on their behalf, and Rendr did not show up. 


When I was testing the connection yesterday I noticed that when I put in my email, phone number and discount code (all recognised by the system, as I test the website frequently - before and after clearing cache), Rendr is a suggested option for delivery - but when I put in a new customers' details, Rendr disappeared - even when I put in my code and email and phone number (which, even if it did work, I don't want to do because that's my personal info I don't want to share with customers). 


*edit here: our customers are not repeat customers as we are in the wedding industry, this is why it is so important that all customers can access this option


Has anyone else had this issue? What are your suggestions? 

I've disconnected and reconnected it multiple times to no avail. Express post numbers are up since adding that as an alternative option (was hoping to patch with this in the interim then remove it), but Rendr numbers are at zero. 

We don't particularly have a same and next day service alternative to Rendr, as Express is 1-4 business days. 

Any advice would be valuable and appreciated! Thank you! 

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