Shopify Bundle & Incompatibility with Social Media

Shopify Bundle & Incompatibility with Social Media

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Hi everyone, 


I've recently started my e-commerce business which is currently focused on one single product, for which I sell different quantities in 4 different colors. To showcase them, I needed a solution that would allow me to

  1. create quantity variants for each color
  2. and (very important!) to be synced with the inventory so that, regardless of the quality variant picked by the customer, the inventory would be correctly and automatically synchronized.

And for this I found Shopify Bundle to be a great solution for my current needs.


However, the problem is that Shopify Bundle doesn't connect to social media; therefore I cannot use social shop anymore. I thought about creating a product only to be used on social media (therefore hidden from the website), but to be active on social media it must be active on the online shop too and, if active, you cannot hide it: I have the product bundle page for each color, so I don't want create confusion.


Any idea on how I could solve the issue, considering

  1. I need the bundle on my website
  2. my budget is limited so I cannot get expensive apps now.

Thanks a lot for your help! 😉


PS: I've spoken with Shopify Customer Service and they said they've added this problem to the list of future development. Let's hope they fix this problem soon for everyone! 🤞

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