Re: Shopify No Longer Supporting POS Go Devices - No Communication from Shopify

Shopify No Longer Supporting POS Go Devices - No Communication from Shopify

Shopify Partner
19 1 20

We literally just finalized our migration and launch with Shopify in two brick and mortar stores last week, utilizing POS Go devices as our primary hardware. We need 2 more devices, went to order them - and couldn't find them on the hardware store.


Chatting with tech support - and they're saying that they'll no longer be distributing the POS Go devices in the United States.




We designed our entire store and operation around creating a mobile checkout experience using these devices. We just spend 6 months, tens of thousands of dollars, thousands of man hours to migrate from Lightspeed to Shopify FOR the mobile usability of the POS Go devices - and now they're going away.


Absolutely unacceptable that we would order these devices, and plan an entire migration around these devices only to find out a week later that they're going away and we've wasted all of our time, energy, and money.


Tech support is no help. They don't know anything about where we go from here. 


This is what trash companies do. I didn't think Shopify was a trash company. Now I'm just confused. Will likely have to abort our entire Shopify Plus account and abandon the entire project a week after launch.


What a disaster. Communication matters. Shopify failed here. Failed us and our customers. Beyond disappointed and shocked after so much effort to invest in this platform.

Replies 12 (12)

149 5 51

Unfortunately there are many instances where Shopify makes inexplicable changes negatively affecting customers ☹️

149 5 51

They are saying to use iPhones as a mobile checkout solution 

1 0 1

So now I have to buy iPhones for each of my employees???

2 0 1

the POS Mobile app is super basic compared to the POS Go. I was hoping to invest in one and also went to shop purchase one and its now been taken offline. I need more than just a phone app, especially when you have employees (I'm not going to ask them to download an app to checkout my customers) and you aren't a large enough operation to need the $500 bundle. This was a nice middle ground and I'm also disappointed they removed it as an option. 

3 0 2

Omg I just found this out today! And my business utilized the POS Go devices too 😞 if anyone wants to sell their POS go devices please let me know I need a few!

2 0 1

We just found this out as well.  Can I ask what you went to?  We had three device dump in a matter of three days.  We were able to get warranty for the devices and obtain new ones, but they are completely different and only show the checkout.  They are a glorified version of the tap and chip.  The old POS Go we had, we could pick our product, sell and checkout on the same device.  Now we have to utilize the iphone, connect this to the iphone, and use the tap and chip POS Go.  I would use just the iphone app but we live in a rural area, and many customers only have chip debit cards.  Using only the iphone doesn't work due to the fact it only has the tap to it, so no matter what, we have to have another device.  With the original POS Go we only had one device. Our work is all outside and mobile.  I feel your frustration.  If you have found a product please share, that has comparable easy reports, I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

149 5 51

You need to complain to Shopify that they did not properly fix your devices. Sending you back devices with less functionality is not warranty service. Unacceptable in my opinion.

2 0 1

They did update the devices to the stand alone.  I am thankful for that help. Thank you for encouraging me to press on about the devices.  It was a mistake by the programmer to the device.  Still not sure what we are going to use once obsolete.  

1 0 0

We are in the same boat. We have two POS Go and just transitioned away from Square and having to use iPads and Socket scanners for pop-up stores. We love the POS Go as it cuts down on the amount of hardware we needed to bring with us. I was just about to buy two more when I saw these are discontinued. So brutal. 

3 0 2

If anyone is selling their POS GO devices bc they aren’t using them anymore please let us know!

4 0 2

This is insane - we purchased 12 of them, will we be refundeed?


Will we have to pay apple for each tap on their new device.. what are they thinking... The barcode scanner will be gone?  They make a good product and throw it to the kerb..


1 0 0

Found out last week and screamed in anger, I just bought 4 more a couple months ago. I don’t even have counters for a register in our stores, we do everything on the floor where the customers is. I’m not remodeling my stores, we will have no choice but to use another vendor for in store purchases and this is going to be a nightmare for inventory.