Tired of using this Platform! How do I turn off POS emails for "new orders"?

Tired of using this Platform! How do I turn off POS emails for "new orders"?

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I am so tired of using this platform! Clearly Shopify was not made by people who actually own online businesses. The functionality of the platform is completely counterintuitive. For whatever reason, Shopify provides all these detailed analytics that most businesses don't need, but doesn't provide the basics. For example, I only have three products in my store and Shopify wants give me "A and C grade" product analytics, but there is no place for me to view my orders and the total amount of money made on the orders page. I'm running my business myself, I'm not using AI, and I don't care about product ranking. Seems like Shopify is becoming better suited for drop shippers, which is unfortunate because it's the most convenient platform to use.


So here is my question. How do I remove email notifications for orders that I get from Shopify POS? Wherever this setting is, if it exists, I cannot find it on the Shopify POS app, Shopify app, or Shopify website. And I've looked in all notification settings. Aside from the fact that this setting, if it exists, is not in the notifications section, why do I get an email notification for every order--that I put in, on the Shopify POS app?


I need notifications for online orders for obvious reasons, but why would I need a notification for POS sales? I'm putting in every order myself, so I hope this feature is a mistake. In addition, I'm being flooded with "new order" emails, which is not helpful. A new sale shouldn't more than a mobile/app notification. I don't need order emails in general, but I certainly don't need emails for Shopify POS, because once again, I am putting in these orders myself. So I hope you guys remove these emails from Shopify POS, and if there is a setting for me to stop these emails, please tell me where it is.


Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
2550 460 425

Hey, @fjksksl.


Thanks for reaching out.


You can make changes to the New Order email notifications by navigating to Settings > Notifications and selecting the Staff notifications. You can then remove the Recipients from the section to no longer receive the New Order email notifications.



With that being said, removing the recipients will also no longer allow the New Order email notifications to be received when a customer places an order through the Shopify store checkout. However, I can certainly see the benefit of removing the New Order email notifications that staff members receive from completed POS checkouts. I am going to mention this to our developers as a suggestion. We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback and bring this to our attention.


Let us know if you have any questions.

Ollie | Social Care @ Shopify 
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18 1 3

I also do not need POS orders appearing in the Shopify Orders screen, only getting now I have done a resync and I never got it before. It clutters up the screen with unnecessary info. Why did you change it? I cannot select web only order when I set up a new recipient.