Using Existing Physical Gift Cards

Using Existing Physical Gift Cards

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I have just switched to Shopify POS and have hundreds of existing physical gift cards. Is there a way that I can use these without having to buy new ones from Shopify?

Thank you in advance!

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
236 17 51

Hey La_rx,


Heddy from Gameball: Loyalty Program & VIP here!


To continue using your existing physical gift cards with Shopify POS, you'll need to manually input the gift card details into Shopify. Unfortunately, Shopify POS only recognizes gift cards generated within its own system. One option is to create new digital versions of your existing cards in Shopify and associate them with the original balances. This allows you to still use your current stock without purchasing new ones directly from Shopify.

23 1 10

Hey, not sure if you've already found a solution, but there's actually an app for this! It's called Selling Point, and it converts all your existing gift card numbers to Shopify gift cards. You'll need to ask your previous payment provider for a report of all your active gift cards, with their complete numbers and existing balances. IIRC Moneris charged us something like $100 to provide the report.


The app looks pricey at $49.99/mo, but that's essentially a one-time fee as you don't need to keep using the app after you've converted all your old gift cards to Shopify Gift cards. You only need it to import the file, once that's done you can unsub/uninstall. We did it a year ago and we've had no issues redeeming any of our old Moneris gift cards using Shopify POS.