We need flexibility for pick-up / shipping / local delivery

We need flexibility for pick-up / shipping / local delivery

50 0 45


we are experiencing the second lock down in Germany and are happy to give options like pick and collect and local delivery to our customers. 

However, we need more flexibility for shipping methods.

Once a customer has chosen the way to obtain his order, we cannot do any changes. But reality forces us for this flexibility a lot. 

The lock down came in a sudden and we are sure, this was not the last time. It would be so great, if we could change the way of delivery / shipping flexible. 

In our case, we have offered pick and collect, which was in a sudden prohibited. We couldn't use the Shopify Delivery App to plan our routes, as we couldn't change the Pick & Collect orders in a delivery order in the backend. 
Also, there were Shipping orders, which had to be changed into pick and collect right before lock down. And so on...

More flexibility would be awesome. 

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Replies 2 (2)

4 0 1

I would also like the ability to change the delivery method after an order is placed.  Customers often change their mind and decide they wish to pick up their order rather than have it shipped. 
There is no way to edit the order accordingly.  Please advise.

8 0 18

Having the same issue here. Due to COVID, we need this flexibility. Right now, we have clients who may choose shipping but then they contact us to move their order to local pick up. Right now, their order needs to be cancelled and then reissued instead of just allowing us to edit the shipping information.