Re: Why are custom sales now fulfilled separately in the admin & admin emails?

Why are custom sales now fulfilled separately in the admin & admin emails?

Shopify Partner
50 1 46

Ever since the POS update a couple weeks ago, I've been seeing a number of bugs and unwelcome changes. some of which I've already posted about here and here. Well, here's another one...


In my shop, about half of my 5000 products are in the system (new ones that I sell online) and half are not (used stock that turns over too fast to bother adding); ever since the recent change, I've been seeing these two types separated in the admin and I have no idea why, Observe:





Additionally, the emails I get are also odd-looking, as the one below. Note: the email code is heavily customized/simplified, but the logic is entirely the same...




Since that "item_type: (custom_sale)" text is passed through the system, I have no way to remove it, or at least not make it take up two lines! Admittedly, this is not vital by any means - but rather just another in a LONG LINE of misguided adjustments that cause me headaches...


Can a dev have a look at this, please?



shop owner / web developer / Shopify supporter (and critic) since 2015
Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
50 1 46

Anyone at Shopify see this yet? Would love a reply or at least an acknowledgment from support or better yet, an actual dev...



shop owner / web developer / Shopify supporter (and critic) since 2015

1 0 0

I am also facing this problem. In e-mails this shows up: item_type: (custom_sale)


I need to turn this off or hide. How to fix this?



Shopify Partner
50 1 46

Ha! Well done, guys - you actually made it LONGER!! 😛


Before:  item_type: (custom_sale) / $12.00

After:  _shopify_item_type: (custom_sale) / $12.00


So, I see that this is something you can fix - can you maybe, like, do it right this time?




P.S. I do apologize for my tone, but with the speed in which Shopify is racing downhill, I kinda feel that no one there is even checking these boards anymore...

shop owner / web developer / Shopify supporter (and critic) since 2015