Re: Tap & Chip Reader keeps unpairing

Why does my tap & chip reader keep unpairing at my POS?

59 0 74

We have had the newest tap & chip card reader at our POS for about a month.  From day one, we have had issues with the reader un-pairing necessitating going through a complete re-pairing process.  We also have the dock so when this happens we have to dismantle the dock to pull the reader out in order to get to the power button (who designed this thing anyway?)  We have gone through everything and it's not a matter of bluetooth being disconnected - the device itself is messed up and will no longer connect with the iPad even though bluetooth is enabled and all other bluetooth devices are having no issues.  Lately this is happening to us at least twice a day and causes serious issues for our clerks when there is a line of customers.  We just bought a new iPad (gen 6) to replace the older iPad we were using for the POS, but are having the exact same issues with the reader.  And, yes, we are running the latest version of iOS and the Shopify POS app at all times.

Replies 55 (55)

1 0 5

We are having the same issue..  We too have the holder and have to remove the dumb thing to turn it off and reconnect it.

4 0 10

This same issue keeps happening to our store - it's incredibly frustrating and Shopify does not appear to have any desire to fix the issue.

59 0 74

@BWTC wrote:

This same issue keeps happening to our store - it's incredibly frustrating and Shopify does not appear to have any desire to fix the issue.

I have been going back and forth with Shopify support on this issue and they were ready to send me a replacement.  But then they messaged me Friday to make sure of two things: 1) That we were updated to the Shopify app version 5.33.1 last week which included a hotfix specifically for bluetooth issues with the tap and chip reader and, 2) That the iPad is on the recently released iOS version 12.4 which apparently also had some bluetooth fixes in it.  We updated iOS last Friday (the Shopify app had auto-updated the day before) and went the weekend without the issue occurring one time whereas before it would happen at least twice per day.  So I'm hopefully optimistic that this issue is now permanently fixed.

4 0 10

Thanks so much for response. 


By the way, it was a serendipitous response.  I just sent you a wholesale inquiry.

59 0 74

@BWTC wrote:

Thanks so much for response. 


By the way, it was a serendipitous response.  I just sent you a wholesale inquiry.

Thanks for the inquiry.  I got you entered into our system but Shopify admin is having issues sending account activation emails so I will send it out when they get it fixed.

5 0 4

Thanks for the update. I'm currently experiencing the same thing but we are fully updated and still having disconnect issues. I sent an email to them today hoping they will get back to me with a solution soon!

25 2 16

Same here... we have update everything plus are using  a brand new iPad pro.... still happening 😕

9 0 9

The tap/chip reader has been funky from day one. Even their first revision was somewhat funky as well with connectivity.


We have much better luck with the chip/swipe reader and tend to use this most of the time unless someone asks for Apple/Android Pay (and these requests will continue to grow). Not sure if using the chip/swip is an option for you but thought I would note that we find that style to be much more robust....its the white one with a little base

59 0 74

We have several of those white chip and swipe readers that we use for mobile events.  They had some issues initially but have been stable since they worked that out with updates.  We use the tap and chip reader only in our brick & mortar since it is a friendlier customer facing device and can accept Apple and Android pay. 


For what it's worth, ever since the latest updates to both iOS and the Shopify POS app, our tap and ship reader has not disconnected one single time in the last 2 weeks.  Before it was happening at least twice per day.

4 0 10
We continue to have the same issue with Bluetooth connection dropping about daily with customers standing in checkout line.

We have 2 new iPads paired to 2 new tap / chip readers. Shopify support just sent 2 brand new tap / chip readers to test again and they do the same thing.

The recent updates made the pairing process faster but Bluetooth still drops. This is really, really frustrating when customers are waiting. Why can’t we buy the old tap / chip / swipe readers ? Those did not have the connection drop issue.
59 0 74

After having had no disconnects for the last couple weeks since the updates, our clerks reported that they experienced disconnects once or twice per day for the last several days.

5 0 4

This is getting really frustrating. Shopify support is only giving us the runaround. For the past 3 weeks, over a 20 email thread and multiple support members, Shopify has not given any solutions or wants to send us a replacement. 


The only thing that maybe helpful in that 20 ongoing email thread with them is that they mentioned a "sleep mode". This did not fix our issue but might be helpful to someone else so I will post it here. 


"Sleep mode" activates automatically after 1 hour passes without any activity being detected on the reader. If the reader is in "Sleep mode", you can simply press and release the power button to wake the card reader up again. By holding the power button for 4 seconds or more will reset any Bluetooth pairing it may have had and would need to be paired again.

I'll keep ya'll posted if they suggest other useful fixes....

4 0 10

Shopify support sent 2 brand new tap / chip readers and they are doing the exact same thing.  The tap / chip readers disconnect after about 24 hours of use - every day they disconnect.  


We are implementing a policy to restart them every morning, but a very frustrating device.  I just want to buy the old device with the tap / chip / swipe - those were working fine.


Really disappointed with Shopify acting like no one else is seeing this issue.

9 0 9

I originally contacted support a month or so ago because they released a version of the POS App which resulted in customers being double charged. It took them a couple weeks to fix and there was zero compensation or really even an apology.


Now Shopify has admitted that this newest release, the one they made to fix this previous bug, has it's own issues causing bluetooth devices to unpair.


Bluetooth technology is not new. It's a robust standard that has been around for a long time. Shopify's inability to work with it consistently is shocking.

10 0 7

Unfortunately, this does not seem to be an issue Shopify can resolve.  We have dealt with this issue on the older white style dip/swipe readers for several years, with several different readers. After being convinced by the sales staff at Shopify that this is no longer an issue, we moved our entire POS system over to Shopify for our retail store and yet, problem still persists. 


It would be awesome if a rep would chime in here and provide us with some insight. Yes, everything is up to date. We want to believe in this, but Clover is sounding better by the day and after being closed for three days to perform an intensive inventory, switching over will be a snap.

9 0 9

Shopify will always act as if your problem is not something they routinely see. That's they way they operate. We see readers disconect as well. Sometimes we have to go as far as deleting them from the store and then adding them back again. The readers are definitely temperamental and the staff at Shopify who creates the POS retail kit does not appear to be developing products for the proper use cases. I would definitely take the time to share your experience via facebook and instagram where they often market the retail kit.

Shopify Partner
1033 86 293

FWIW, we have one of our companies using Lightspeed Retail. Similar setup, iPads, Bluetooth barcode scanners, Bluetooth receipt printers, but with Ethernet-connected payment terminals. Our operators report disconnects with the Bluetooth equipment on a daily basis. Power cycling them and repairing always is the fix. Inconvenient when a customer is standing there (with a potential line behind them) but it works.


The Shopify POS retail kit is aesthetically pleasing. Sturdy, can bolt into the countertop, and clean. But the Bluetooth payment terminal was poorly designed and engineered from a usability standpoint. If power-cycling the device requires the front plate be removed, then that's another inconvenience when a customer is sitting there waiting to be rung up. We are testing out Shopify POS with this new black retail kit. And have run into many of the issues echoed on this thread. I think frankly it's the nature of the beast. Bluetooth devices can go to sleep, can lose their connection pairing, and can't remain powered on persistently 24x7 and maintain proper connectivity.


If we are going to implement Shopify POS for our other company I am going to recommend we power off all devices at store closing and power them all back on for store opening. And that any Shopify POS or iOS updates be thoroughly tested on a retail kit before upgrading our production devices. There are too many cases where either an update fixes or an update breaks the wireless connectivity between the iPad and the devices.

12 0 1

Same problem here. It is a serious pain and takes forever to reconnect. Usually I just have to do a manual card entry which costs a higher rate. I really don't understand why these card readers have to be bluetooth. I would much prefer a plugged in reader that worked all the time. Besides, this thing is already plugged in to power, so it's not exactly wireless.

10 0 7

Question Andrew,


Was your reader plugged in? In working on a solution for our most recent issue we discovered the USB charging cable for the tap/chip reader had worked itself out just enough to keep the reader from charging. Didnt notice this until the warning for low battery popped up. 


This said, after charging up our current reader has not dropped again. This was a consistent issue with the older dip/swipe reader we use for on-site/expo sales. Interesting that thru troubleshooting with Shopify this was not brought up. Then again, our history with it dropping if not constantly plugged in should have tripped our own radar to investigate it further. 



12 0 1

Yes, its plugged in. We also had issues with the older white readers. We found that keeping them plugged into power helped out a lot.

10 0 7
Well, ours did finally time out again with a strange symptom. When I
re-paired it sat at 'charging 99%' for quite a while, then switched to
'charging 80%' and sat there.

92 0 62

I just received one and can't even pair it to an Anroid phone using the Shopify POS app.  I can pair it with the phone itself using the Android OS, but that doesn't help when Shopify POS app still doesn't recognize I've pair the thing to the phone.


Shopfiy POS is a fitting name....

Shopify Partner
1033 86 293

If you search the forum you will see a couple of workarounds and quick fixes for this. While not a tried-and-true permanent solution these methods to get things working again!

25 2 16

Has this issue been resolved with anyone yet? We are on our 3rd tap chip reader and is still doing the same...

Not sure why they have not fixed 😕

10 0 7

On 10/31 I posted about ours having an issue, realized it had snuck unplugged on the bottom of the retail stand. Since then, we have not had a single disconnect. Fingers crossed posting this wont prompt an issue. 🙂


I would double/triple check connections to make sure it has power all the time. I do wish these would operate correctly on battery, but I just cant trust them.

5 0 4
It still happens with us but at a much less frequent now
7 0 4

My card reader has been disconnecting every day that I use it since I got it, I just assumed it was just how it is, looks like I am right, I am at a breaking point, just had a customer not buy a 300 dollar item today because it would not connect, he waited 5 minutes and I could not get it. this is bad. it needs to be fixed. and now here I am, it worked once this morning and now I cannot get it to connect.... I have tried everything in every thread.. it will not connect, luckily my last customer had her checkbook.... hopefully a new one will get here by Friday or I am screwed at my next farmers market... I might have to go back to square... actually, is there any other company that makes hardware that is compatible?

4 0 2

Check out CLOVER.  They offer wireless terminals and guess what?  They WORK!

10 0 8

After switching our store and pop ups to Shopify POS we are now going to have to abandon and go back to Square POS. The Tap and Chip readers not only disconnect on a daily and regular basis but they are not lasting more than a few weeks before they die completely...will not charge or turn on. We have had 8 readers in all now. All of the original readers (4) where replaced and now the new ones are failing. We could switch to the more reliable Chip Swipe but not sure they are better yet for sure and many customers want to Apple Pay or tap for contactless transactions.
Its the opposite now as we have to keep manually entering cards.

Sure wish the US could have the lighting connecting swipe reader as a fail safe backup. We have wasted a lot of time and frustrated many employees and customers. There is no admission of a systemic problem with the Tap and Chip readers. 

10 0 7

Hi Bowhill,

These readers can absolutely be a frustration to use, as for reliability. Question for you, How often are you expecting the reader to run off its own power? 

We have found that by keeping them plugged in all the time maintains a much better connection and we have zero drops. When on-site for expo sales, we plug our chip/swipe reader into a small GoalZero USB battery and it has been clutch for our reader for 7-8 hours and it doesnt even drain it.

Just a suggestion.

Brian (Summit Apparel Solutions)

Screen Shot 2020-08-29 at 1.13.55 PM.png

10 0 8

We are not having an issue with the battery running out...but the entire reader going dead and will not revive or recharge. Sometimes it will just have a permanent dual red flashing lights, some times one blue light. No amount of resetting with paper clip, or trying to turn off and on with blue button gets them back working. It is more than a battery and blue tooth pairing issue. 

Never had this issue with Square and the thing with Square is you can run down to Best Buy or Amazon and get one immediately. Since the Shopify reader has to come from Shopify, you have quite a wait to get a replacement. I cannot believe more people don't have an issue if we are having an issue with so many readers. 

10 0 8

We are looking at alternative payment processors but only Shopify Payments keeps you in the POS software to process. You can use other porcessors but it is far from seamless and there is no documentation at Shopify to show how it works in advance. They do list dozens of approved processors, but nothing on how well it works or how to setup.


3 0 0

We have had this problem ongoing as well, for the past couple of months. We are on our second tap and chip, after the first one died within two days of starting it up. Today the second one wouldn't start up (and I agree, the design of having to remove it from the dock to get to the power button is a horrible idea), and the chip and swipe reader we just paired today is not staying paired. Grrrrr. This is so incredibly infuriating. I am not optimistic and feel stuck working with the Shopify POS.

13 0 15

Adding another frustrated Shopify POS user.  Feels good to have hardware that unpairs constantly and now we have more fees to pay.  I would feel better if this was a truly robust system.

Shopify Partner
41 2 14

We just noticed the little "reset" button (or hole) (NOT the blue button) on the tap/chip reader... when one of ours was locked up. Hitting this button seemed to reset the reader that was completely locked up. Anybody else have experience with using the "reset" button?

image (2).png

97 1 95

Here is a fix for the card reader.

Everytime the reader dies, call help and DEMAND your monthly service FEES be REFUNDED!


Just got Mine.

9 Months, 4 readers, DEMAND MONEY TALKS

4 0 2

I have had the new POS for about 3 weeks now.  I start my morning routine by "forgetting this device" and re pairing every day.  Still this thing does not work.  I have to restart the app every time and even then its maybe 50-50.  I've resorted to manually entering customer credit cards to save myself the embarassment of customers who keep asking "not working?".  The best part is, contact shopify support and they will make you think it's your problem.  They ask questions like there isn't a thread here with a bunch of people experiencing an IDENTICAL issue.  


If anyone finds a fix here let me know 

97 1 95

One year to date. Now on our 5th Card reader.

Not so funny but is. When I called in to have it replaced they asked me for the last four digits of the credit card purchased, Our cards get hacked every few months, so that's a good luck.

Then they asked for the order # good luck.

I told them you have my account info, business address, credit card info for billing just ship the replacement. They finally did 3 days later.

15 0 13

 We have the exact same problem and Shopify keeps sending me new tutorials.

We finally disconnected the doc and plugged in directly and it has worked great so far.

Hope this helps! Waiting to get a new dock to see if it makes any difference but I doubt it will.



Kati Graham
Shopify Partner
41 2 14

We found the reader docs troublesome as well. FYI, the new "Chipper" readers seem much better all around.

4 0 1

We are using the Chipper 2X BT, which we received on April 11 of this year 2022. We are having the exact same issue every time and it’s the biggest hassle. After it disconnects, it takes a heck of a lot of work to get it to connect again. Sometimes customers get angry having to wait so long and all it does is cause problems for our business. I hate having to use it. I try to get everyone to go to Venmo or PayPal instead but I wish i didn’t  have to do that. Sometimes customers just walk away. I would have hoped that I would have seen Shopify support chime in with some resolutions, but I don’t see that here. I don’t think that we will be continuing this service as it does our business absolutely no good. Thanks for this thread and hope others chime in to share their story. And I hope Shopify finds it upon themselves to find a solutions cause this makes em look bad. 

18 0 50

This has been happening to us for months now with the same response. Something is seriously wrong with this platform. We have been through two different tap and chip units. We will get a few customers use cards with no problem then randomly it will go into sleep mode now. It cannot be woken up and needs to be removed from system and reconnected by "add new hardware". Has there been any staff reply on this continued issue? I would consider this a massive issue that customers are losing revenue and creating a poor customer experience.


4 0 1

I have to agree on the poor customer experience. Most customers hate having to wait for me to figure out how to get it working. 

18 0 50

We have been pretty fortunate that I am here every time this goes down. If I had to leave my staff solo to figure it out, the store would be closed.


Shopify Partner
1033 86 293

For us, we can just make it part of a standard daily store opening list. Power cycle the iPad, pull the reader shell, power cycle the reader, push the shell back into the reder, power cycle the receipt slip printer, and off we go. Having hardware powered on and Bluetooth connected 24x7 can't be expected to consistently provide success. 

2 0 0

Have also been having this issue but finally figured it out. Go to settings on your Ipad or other device that you host shopify on, scroll to the shopify pos app and make sure all buttons are toggled on. "Allow Cross-Website Tracking" was toggled off on mine and turning it on has fixed the issue. 


18 0 50

Thanks for the recommendation on the toggle button. We have gone through all the proper settings like this (updates, toggle buttons, etc.) We are now on our 3rd tap and chip reader, second ipad (because Shopify thought that might be the issue), and even replaced our router. The problem with ours seems to be the communication between the tap and chip units and the ipad. The tap and chip units are falling asleep hourly. They will not wake up unless they are deleted from the bluetooth settings and the ipad is fully restarted. Only then will the Shopify App connect to the tap and chip unit. I can't make this stuff up. There should be an option to use the tap and chip as a wired connection instead of wireless only. We have also went ahead and purchased the Square Terminal as a back up when things go down (which is daily). Works like a charm, zero outages and just performs the way POS hardware should. Since this issue started, we have logged over 600 hours of troubleshooting this mess of a system.


Shopify Partner
41 2 14

Bluetooth and "sleeping" devices are the problems. We asked Shopify for hard-wired peripheral options years ago as well. We still deal with unpairing all the time and it's a rabbit hole to try and fix.

1 0 1

We've been having the same exact problem. Shopify sent us a new reader but it's not the hardware. The fact that the unit "sleeps" even when it's plugged in is the problem. Shopify (or their hardware vendor) needs to update the firmware so the device doesn't sleep when it's plugged in.