Re: Why is Shopify removing "Price Override"??


Why is Shopify removing "Price Override"??

16 0 38

I got an e-mail this morning saying in the upcoming release, Price Overrides will be removed. Why do such a thing? I have to use this feature often for special circumstances. Sure you can do the same thing but not as efficiently as just a simply price change. This slows down productivity. 


Screenshot 2023-08-21 at 9.16.53 AM.png

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Staff
7 1 7

This is an accepted solution.

Hello @Skivvies 


Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback regarding the removal of the Price override feature from Shopify POS. We’ve read the feedback and understand the importance the ability to apply discounts quickly and accurately are to your business. It is clear that while this update is on the product path to better discounts, removing it has been an inconvenience and we sincerely apologize for that. 


We recently released the Price after discount field in the Custom Discount feature for POS to help set the desired end price automatically. The feature shipped in version 9.2 of the POS app and has since released to all merchants this week. This update is an important part of the work we are actively pursuing to improve the overall experience of discounts in Shopify POS. 


If you have questions, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Nichole | Shopify 
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Replies 78 (78)

13 0 105

I agree! This is a terrible idea. Mistakes get made in pricing. Sometimes we mark things down and it never got changed in the system. Now my employees will have to do math when checking someone out. 

1 0 18

I definitely agree that this is a terrible idea! It is more efficient for my store to do a simple price override when necessary...

3 0 28

I agree, it’s takes more time to do the math on the difference for the “discount” it’s a extra step we now have to do

3 0 28

I couldn’t agree more! Worst decision on Shopifys part along with a few others they made 

5 0 22

Just wow!!!  We have 3 brick and mortar stores that offer variable pricing for a number of services.  We are just now migrating from another POS.  When attempting to set up products on the POS we realized we couldn't change the price.  A quick search revealed this debacle.  What in the name of Satan was Shopify thinking?  FIX THIS!!!!

25 1 44

This is a really frustrating change. Our store staff use this feature daily. We had POS before the price override was put in place, and we had to keep calculators to calculate the discounts to add to each item. It opens up too much room for error. 


I don't know what their new features are, but I am really annoyed that they are removing something before having the substitutions in place. I don't understand why we need to go without such a useful feature while they're figuring out the new ones. 

Shopify Staff
1 0 0

Hi Tanya12,


Thank you for reaching out to us and providing your feedback regarding the removal of the Price override feature from Shopify POS. We appreciate your input and understand that this change may have caused some inconvenience for you.


We have made the decision to remove this feature to pave the way for future enhancements to how we apply discounts in Shopify POS. While we understand that this change may not align with your specific needs, we assure you that we are actively working on introducing new and better features that will enhance your overall experience. These upcoming features will aim to improve the way you can offer discounts on POS. 


If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Melody | Shopify 
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25 1 44

Hi Melody, will these new features be coming before November 1st, or even better, with the removal of Price Override? 

If not, this will force us to use calculators to figure out discounts during the Holiday season, slowing down our service to customers and our process. I hope Shopify understands how frustrating that is going to be to merchants. 


2 0 4

Hi Melody!

our company was looking into purchasing apps for discounting product to improve our Shopify POS experience. Is there any chance we can get an ETA or find out what kind of improvements are being made to Shopify POS in regards to discounts?

thanks so much!

13 0 105

Unless they replace "price override" with a "price override" feature, this is a bad idea that will cause a slow down and mistakes at the register. Please, please, bring back a quick and easy "price override" feature.  Seriously, who was the "genius" that came up with this idea? 

11 0 15

Hahahaha CORRECT! 

Shopify Partner
2 0 18

What form will the new discounting functionality take and when can we expect it? Why would this function needed to be removed before new functionality is actually released? 

Now we will have to use a calculator to work out the discount, which will slow down our entire checkout process. What a backwards step this is.

3 0 21

Being a new customer to shopify and just starting to use this today.  This is very unsatisfying to me.  We are constantly overriding prices in our store. I'm sad to hear that this function was removed just days before i started using this system. There needs to be a justifiable solution to this.  Anyone in a retail environment would know the need for price overriding.

5 0 13

Completely agree with the above complaining colleagues.
This is completely unworkable for our people in the store.
The risk of errors increases unnecessarily, because they have to calculate everything with a calculator next to them. Customers don't have time to wait for this either. Bad decision, hopefully an adequate solution soon.

Shopify Partner
4 0 15

Just to add to the general feedback. We use Shopify POS extensively, and this feature is a MUST for anyone operating a retail store. Removing it is baffling and I hope it will be adequately replaced asap.

Shopify Partner
2 0 13

Did you guys forget you don't allow discounts to stack in POS? If I use the discount for price override, now I can't use any other discount.

First responder discount? Employee discount? $10 off loyalty program? BOGO? Tough, I need it for a price override. Now I got to slap a calculator next to the register and hope my people can calculate the total discount accurately with a line at the counter on Black Friday. 


God forbid you need to actually track the discounts usage. Now it all goes into one bucket.

6 0 31
100% Agree!!!
6 0 31

I see all over these blogs how annoyed everyone is with the removal of price override. I do understand you can use the discount feature, but if running a flash sale, you must calculate for each item. Math mistakes get made AND customers must wait for each individual calculation. It is completely inefficient. Having flash sales or marking items off for a special sale is what retail is all about. I find it difficult to see what "new" feature will replace this one or even be better for the merchant or consumer. On a busy day this creates so many possible mistakes and frustrations.

It is clear this is a decision to remove this feature was not made with any input from those of us in the field, but a corporate decision based on an assumption that they can improve on something that does not need improvement. A POS system needs to function for a vast group of retailers, and having to create codes, mark items up and down, or calculate on a calculator how much to take off is not an efficient way to do business. 

I also agree that removing a tool that makes business easier without a replacement makes no sense from a business standpoint. I find it difficult to see how leaving that feature would interfere with the POS program in any way. The removable just seems arbitrary. 

I hope they will consider replacing the feature immediately- it is not the cheapest system out there so as a consumer I want the system to work within my needs and it seems there are MANY who agree.


Campus Colors



2 0 5

Is there something else that can be done thats equivalent to price override. Is there an option to set an items with a variable price? I have one item that sell anywhere from $1.00 to $350.00.   

1 0 7

How long this new change will take. We use the override feature all the time 😞

2 0 13



Do you have an estimate of when these new features will be live? Price Override is a basic feature that almost everyone uses. Not sure what will be taking its place. But I’ve seen tons on complaints about people needing to have calculators at their checkout stands now. Personally, I sell at events so don’t have much space and use my phone for my Point of Sale. Very hard to flip back and forth to the calculator. Will something be coming back that allows a basic price override like this? A code or other way to mark off is not needed at checkout. This was a basic feature that is very much needed. Not sure why it was just taken away. 

16 0 38

Let me be one of many to express this. There is no other "discount" feature that will out perform a simple option to simply change the price. BOGO's, Flash Sales, etc are now such a pain because now we have to sit and calculate each discount price difference for each item. And you guys don't even allow stack discounts, so once we discount something, we can't do another discount such as Employee, Military, Rewards......This was clearly not thought out. This has slowed out efficiently down so bad and now we simply just build lines having to take the addition time to do these math equations ourselves. This was a HUGE step backwards and just a basic feature that was used daily. There was absolutely no reason to remove this. Clearly shows the people who made this decision have never run a business before. ADD IT BACK! 

13 0 105

Totally agree! Add it back!

We have crickets from Shopify. 

Last Sunday, although I tried to warn staff that it was coming, my employee sold something that was marked at $50, I authorized her to sell at $35....she accidentally rang it up at $15 ($35 discount). It was a large sale of several items so she didn't even realize what she did. I'm just glad she didn't also sell the $80 item reduced to $70 for $10! 

3 0 28

Why would Shopify make a change to a simple and very useful feature before creating a “new” one that will be so helpful in the future? 

1 0 5

Hi Melody, 

I look forward to the new features that are planned for the POS, however, why would you remove a critical tool that many users utilize if not depend on, without testing the new features that would replace it? I hate to demand anything but please bring back the price override function as soon as possible, or its replacement.


11 0 15

@Shopify  hey EVERYONE!!! If all these ppl are taking the time to add to this forum during the holidays…it’s a problem. Please put it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

30 0 58



Why couldn't your answer simply have been honest and forthcoming with the TRUTH about why your company removed the most useful and necessary feature for small businesses on a daily basis?

SHOPIFY monetized the feature.  They didn't remove it for convenience sake.  They removed it for money's sake.  The ONE FEATURE that so many people rely upon.  And, what if we want ALL of our products to be able to utilize this function?  We have to purchase yet another subscription and add all of our products to yet another app? 


Shopify did not think this through at all as some prices actually need to be adjusted UP.  Your stupid "Discount Codes" do not allow for this flexibility.  And i don't think you do "...understand that this change may not align with...specific needs".  If you did, you would show your overlords how many folks this actually affects and that it is a feature that should be returned to the product that we all purchased originally.

This is blatant "Bait and Switch" tactics being hidden under the guise of terms like "upgrade" and "new & better features".  



9 0 27

Rest assured; the paper pushers at Shopify who made this decision have never run a retail shop in their life. Can't wait for these new "discount functionalities"... I'm sure they are well thought out. 

Shopify Partner
5 0 20

This is an absolutely terrible decision by Shopify.  Clearly the developers have no idea how a retail environment operates. Please Shopify bring this feature back. I see that as of today there is a new CODE section for the discount where the price override used to be - this is much more applicable to online than retail POS. I can´t believe Shopify would remove a feature that is used EVERY SINGLE DAY for something that will only apply to a promotion. I am so angry about this I will need to investigate alternative POS systems.

6 0 31

I agree with that assessment! It is not the least expensive POS system monthly and all the equipment must be purchased there so convenience is a MUST!!

2 0 13

@Shopify. This is a terrible idea, please bring the Override feature back, this is really a bad idea. This makes it very difficult for my employees. Please bring that feature back.

6 0 31

I feel removing this feature makes life as a retail agent much more difficult and provides many more chances for math mistakes. I have items that I do a flash sale on at $15, which are not permanent markdowns. This means I must take each item and decide how much discount to provide by taking the price and subtracting 15, then inputting the discount amount -which is different for each item. This leads to math mistakes when you are busy and makes customers wait

rather than work efficiently. I have no idea why you would take a feature away that makes it more complicated without a replacement-and to be honest what would be a replacement for this feature? It is a price override which is very common in retail all over the world. I do not understand the logic and hope you reconsider and return the feature. I believe if you ask retailers for input, they will say they want the feature so whoever made this decision does not have the feedback from people in the field. I appreciate adding new features but do not understand why you would take away something that functions well. Just add to the features!!

I hope you will add this feature back quickly-as sale and discount season is fast approaching and it is vital to have things efficient during the holiday rush. Each extra step makes it more difficult and less desirable for the customer and the staff.



Campus Colors


2 0 13

When are these new features supposed to be arriving? Why remove this before it was ready? This is a feature we used daily!

13 0 105

Even with numerous complaints about the plan, Shopify POS has replaced the price override feature with something they felt would be much better (drum roll)... Discount Code. Yeah, that's the big improvement. How many of you brick and mortar shops were really, really, wanting a discount code feature? 

Get out the calculators, it's going to be a slower and mistake ridden 4th quarter. 


9 0 27

Since Shopify offers no way to create separate pricing from the online store vs POS, we used this almost every day. Shopify then decides to remove the feature without any useful alternative? This is an insult. 

1 0 8

We really need this feature!!! Is there any kind of workaround?! Going into the holiday season, there will soooo many mistakes. I already see my employees ringing up multiple items and not realizing an item that was $100 and then marked to $80, they will inevitably sell at $20 by accident. This would turn into huge losses. Please bring it back before the holidays. 

16 0 38

Nope. No work around except the "Discount $ Amount". I don't understand how Shopify can say they removed it to make way for "better" discount options. I don't need more discount options, I need a Price Override option. There is no "better" option to this. We already have discount options. 

13 0 105

No work around and total silence from Shopify. Yes, there will be mistakes, big ones. I've already experienced it. 

308 3 445

@Shopify does not actually spend every day all day using the system they create. If they did, especially in a retail environment, they would rapidly fix things. Instead they remove functionality, make changes with no notice to users, and then remove customer support (you can only sit in a chat queue now if you get mad at the useless AI bot).  


Bring back the functionality. Bring back our ability to type into the search bars without the cursor jumping around. Bring back the search bar on the product page. Return Stocky to how it was doing a great job over a year ago.  Just stop taking everything away from your end users. How do you expect people to praise your product when you keep removing functions?

1 0 7

What a mind-boggling loss of functionality. Do you not know any retailers you could have consulted first? 

11 0 15

WHYYYYYYY? It's as though shopify developers have never worked in a store!!! It is illegal to sell an item for more than on the price tag! Plus its bad service!!!  removing this option means a tedious custom sale, and screwed up inventory!!!! PUT IT BACK PLLLLEAAAAAASSSEEE!!!!!!

1 0 4

So frustrating! Not cool of Shopify to do this without a workaround. Not even sure what the calculation is to emulate a price override, because I'm not that kind of smart. Will figure it out, hopefully.

6 0 31

Ridiculously, you can adjust the amount by clicking amount of discount by taking the original price and subtracting the amount you want it to be then that difference is the amount you put in to take off!....example- you want the override to be $15.00 in the end so...

original price is $45.00 -minus $15.00 = $30. So then you push the amount button and enter $30 and then it makes it $15 in the cart!! 

See why this is so freaking dumb that they removed rush times it is very easy to make a mistake!!!

308 3 445

Add to this that the way the system works now, if you try to do a price change and treat it as a coupon (let's say you sell 6 of one item and discount them all by 15%), and the amount of the discount is more than the cost of just ONE of those items, it won't save the discount. You have to do the discount - it will default to the base retail of one item. You then have to save it, exit out, go back in and re-do the discount again and it will save it the SECOND time only. Talk about bug in the system! But according to @Shopify this is working as intended!

2 0 5

When will the new features be available to us? I just spent too much time DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON teaching each one of my employees basic math & how to navigate the Amount $ feature instead of percentage. After being in business for 7 years, I fully expect them to accidentally take an extreme percentage off & get a phone call because it just isn’t very clear on how this should be done. I’ve been ok with most of the interesting changes y’all have made ( like making the compare at price a default on bulk edit instead of the cost per item causing one of my employees to put a huge batch of new items on some reverse sale) but when your long time customers are TELLING you to bring it back or fix it, that should be done immediately & prior to the holiday season so we can adequately train our staff ahead of time. 

13 0 105

Oh, the "new features" are there. They've been there for months. You can now create and use discount "codes". Apparently that is a great feature that was worth removing the simple price override for. Personally, I haven't had a need for that yet, but someone somewhere must be happy...anyone? 

30 0 58

In an effort to make themselves MORE MONEY, Shopify has created a new app (MONETARY, of course). 

It is called, "POS Variable Priced Products" and can now be PURCHASED for only $12/MONTH (ADDITIONAL CHARGES MAY APPLY). 

Wondering where your "Price Override" went?  It was so popular and useful and NECESSARY, that Shopify monetized it. 

Doesn't everyone love the "Pay-to-Play" environment we live in?

2 0 13

that’s crazy all of these subscription apps that is absolutely not necessary. @Shopify please return the price override feature on POS. PLS 🙏 

308 3 445

This is disgusting. What a shameful business model Shopify has!