Shopify アプリに関する話題はこちら
Thank you very much for your help.
I am using an application called "Order Printer" and I was creating a delivery note.
In the following quote, there is a total in the middle, but there is a fixed price in the table.
In the quote below, it says "合計" in the middle, but I wanted to display the total of the regular price in the table, but I couldn't implement it properly.
I'm not sure how to do this, but I'm hoping someone can help me out.
<p style="float: right; text-align: right; margin: 0;">
{{ created_at | date: "%Y/%m/%d" }}<br />
ご注文番号 {{ order_name }}
<img src="ttps://" alt="ロゴ" height="25"/>
<div style="float: left; margin: 0 0 1.5em 0;" >
<br> <strong style="font-size: 1em;">〇〇株式会社</strong><br /><br />
〒{{ | upcase }}<br />
{{ shop.province | replace: 'Aichi', '愛知県' | replace: 'Akita', '秋田 県' | replace: 'Aomori', '青森県' | replace: 'Chiba', '千葉県' | replace: 'Ehime', '愛 媛県' | replace: 'Fukui', '福井県' | replace: 'Fukuoka', '福岡県' | replace: 'Fukushima', '福島県' | replace: 'Gifu', '岐阜県' | replace: 'Gunma', '群馬県' | replace: 'Hiroshima', '広島県' | replace: 'Hokkaidō', '北海道' | replace: 'Hyōgo', '兵庫県' | replace: 'Ibaraki', '茨城県' | replace: 'Ishikawa', '石川県' | replace: 'Iwate', '岩手県' | replace: 'Kagawa', '香川県' | replace: 'Yamanashi', '山梨県' | replace: 'Yamaguchi', '山口県' | replace: 'Kōchi', '高知県' | replace: 'Kumamoto', '熊本県' | replace: 'Kyōto', '京都府' | replace: 'Mie', '三重県' | replace: 'Yamagata', '山形県' | replace: 'Miyazaki', '宮崎県' | replace: 'Nagano', '長野県' | replace: 'Nagasaki', '長崎県' | replace: 'Nara', '奈良県' | replace: 'Niigata', '新潟県' | replace: 'Ōita', '大分県' | replace: 'Okayama', '岡山県' | replace: 'Okinawa', '沖縄県' | replace: 'Ōsaka', '大阪府' | replace: 'Saga', '佐賀 県' | replace: 'Saitama', '埼玉県' | replace: 'Shiga', '滋賀県' | replace: 'Shimane', '島根県' | replace: 'Shizuoka', '静岡県' | replace: 'Tochigi', '栃木県' | replace: 'Tokushima', '徳島県' | replace: 'Tottori', '鳥取県' | replace: 'Toyama', '富山県' | replace: 'Tōkyō', '東京都' | replace: 'Miyagi', '宮城県' | replace: 'Wakayama', '和 歌山県' | replace: 'Kanagawa', '神奈川県' | replace: 'Kagoshima', '鹿児島県' }}
{{ }}
{{ shop.address }}
{{ shop.address2 }}<br />
Phone: {{ }}<br />
Email: {{ }}<br />
</div><hr />
<h2 style="margin: 0 0 1em 0;">納品書</h2>
<h3 style="margin: 0 0 1em 0;border-bottom: 6px double #DD3E3E;display: inline-block;">購入商品明細</h3>
<table class="table-tabular" style="margin: 0 0 1.5em 0;">
<th style="text-align: right;">単価</th>
<th style="text-align: right;">数量</th>
{% comment %}
{% if show_line_item_taxes %}
<th style="text-align: right;">(内消費税)</th>
{% endif %}
{% endcomment %}
<th style="text-align: right;">小計</th>
<tbody class="line-items">
{% for line_item in line_items %}
<td>{{ line_item.title }}<br />
{% if line_item.sku != blank %}({{ line_item.sku }}){% endif %}
<td style="text-align: right;">{{ line_item.price | money }}</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">{{ line_item.quantity }}</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">{{ line_item.line_price | money }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{{ cart.original_total_price | money }}
</table><h3 style="margin: 0 0 1em 0;border-bottom: 6px double #DD3E3E;display: inline-block;">ご請求内訳</h3>
<table class="table-tabular" style="margin: 0 0 1.5em 0;">
<td>{{ subtotal_price | money }}</td>
{% for discount in discounts %}
<td> 割引 "{{ discount.code }}"</td>
<td>{{ discount.savings | money }}</td>
{% endfor %}
<td>{{ tax_price | money }}</td>
{% if shipping_address %}
<td>送料 (税込):</td>
<td>{{ shipping_price | money }}</td>
{% endif %}
<td><strong>総合計 (税込):</strong></td>
<td><strong>{{ total_price | money }}</strong></td>
{% if total_paid != total_price %}
<td><strong>Total paid:</strong></td>
<td><strong>{{ total_paid | money }}</strong></td>
<td><strong>Outstanding Amount:</strong></td>
<td><strong>{{ total_price | minus: total_paid | money }}</strong></td>
{% endif %}
</table>{% if billing_address %}
<h3 style="margin: 0 0 1em 0;border-bottom: 6px double #DD3E3E;display: inline-block;">ご請求先</h3><div style="margin: 0 0 1em 0; padding: 1em; border: 1px solid black;">
〒{{ | upcase }}<br/>
{{ billing_address.province | replace: 'Aichi', '愛知県' | replace: 'Akita', '秋田 県' | replace: 'Aomori', '青森県' | replace: 'Chiba', '千葉県' | replace: 'Ehime', '愛 媛県' | replace: 'Fukui', '福井県' | replace: 'Fukuoka', '福岡県' | replace: 'Fukushima', '福島県' | replace: 'Gifu', '岐阜県' | replace: 'Gunma', '群馬県' | replace: 'Hiroshima', '広島県' | replace: 'Hokkaidō', '北海道' | replace: 'Hyōgo', '兵庫県' | replace: 'Ibaraki', '茨城県' | replace: 'Ishikawa', '石川県' | replace: 'Iwate', '岩手県' | replace: 'Kagawa', '香川県' | replace: 'Yamanashi', '山梨県' | replace: 'Yamaguchi', '山口県' | replace: 'Kōchi', '高知県' | replace: 'Kumamoto', '熊本県' | replace: 'Kyōto', '京都府' | replace: 'Mie', '三重県' | replace: 'Yamagata', '山形県' | replace: 'Miyazaki', '宮崎県' | replace: 'Nagano', '長野県' | replace: 'Nagasaki', '長崎県' | replace: 'Nara', '奈良県' | replace: 'Niigata', '新潟県' | replace: 'Ōita', '大分県' | replace: 'Okayama', '岡山県' | replace: 'Okinawa', '沖縄県' | replace: 'Ōsaka', '大阪府' | replace: 'Saga', '佐賀 県' | replace: 'Saitama', '埼玉県' | replace: 'Shiga', '滋賀県' | replace: 'Shimane', '島根県' | replace: 'Shizuoka', '静岡県' | replace: 'Tochigi', '栃木県' | replace: 'Tokushima', '徳島県' | replace: 'Tottori', '鳥取県' | replace: 'Toyama', '富山県' | replace: 'Tōkyō', '東京都' | replace: 'Miyagi', '宮城県' | replace: 'Wakayama', '和 歌山県' | replace: 'Kanagawa', '神奈川県' | replace: 'Kagoshima', '鹿児島県' }}
{{ }}
{{ billing_address.address1 }}
{{ billing_address.address2 }}<br/>
{% if %}
{{ }}<br/>
{% endif %}
{{ billing_address.last_name }} {{ billing_address.first_name }} 様<br/>
Phone: {{}}<br />{% endif %}
<hr />{% if note %}
<h3 style="margin: 0 0 1em 0;">ノート</h3>
<p>{{ note }}</p>
{% endif %}{% if shipping_address %}
<h3 style="margin: 0 0 1em 0;border-bottom: 6px double #DD3E3E;display: inline-block;">お届け先</h3><div style="margin: 0 0 1em 0; padding: 1em; border: 1px solid black;">
〒{{ | upcase }}<br/>
{{ shipping_address.province | replace: 'Aichi', '愛知県' | replace: 'Akita', '秋田 県' | replace: 'Aomori', '青森県' | replace: 'Chiba', '千葉県' | replace: 'Ehime', '愛 媛県' | replace: 'Fukui', '福井県' | replace: 'Fukuoka', '福岡県' | replace: 'Fukushima', '福島県' | replace: 'Gifu', '岐阜県' | replace: 'Gunma', '群馬県' | replace: 'Hiroshima', '広島県' | replace: 'Hokkaidō', '北海道' | replace: 'Hyōgo', '兵庫県' | replace: 'Ibaraki', '茨城県' | replace: 'Ishikawa', '石川県' | replace: 'Iwate', '岩手県' | replace: 'Kagawa', '香川県' | replace: 'Yamanashi', '山梨県' | replace: 'Yamaguchi', '山口県' | replace: 'Kōchi', '高知県' | replace: 'Kumamoto', '熊本県' | replace: 'Kyōto', '京都府' | replace: 'Mie', '三重県' | replace: 'Yamagata', '山形県' | replace: 'Miyazaki', '宮崎県' | replace: 'Nagano', '長野県' | replace: 'Nagasaki', '長崎県' | replace: 'Nara', '奈良県' | replace: 'Niigata', '新潟県' | replace: 'Ōita', '大分県' | replace: 'Okayama', '岡山県' | replace: 'Okinawa', '沖縄県' | replace: 'Ōsaka', '大阪府' | replace: 'Saga', '佐賀 県' | replace: 'Saitama', '埼玉県' | replace: 'Shiga', '滋賀県' | replace: 'Shimane', '島根県' | replace: 'Shizuoka', '静岡県' | replace: 'Tochigi', '栃木県' | replace: 'Tokushima', '徳島県' | replace: 'Tottori', '鳥取県' | replace: 'Toyama', '富山県' | replace: 'Tōkyō', '東京都' | replace: 'Miyagi', '宮城県' | replace: 'Wakayama', '和 歌山県' | replace: 'Kanagawa', '神奈川県' | replace: 'Kagoshima', '鹿児島県' }}
{{ }}
{{ shipping_address.address1 }}
{{ shipping_address.address2 }}<br/>
{% if %}
{{ }}<br/>
{% endif %}
{{ shipping_address.last_name }} {{ shipping_address.first_name }} 様<br/>
Phone: {{}}<br />{% endif %}
</div><p>ご不明な点がございましたら、<u>{{ }}</u>までご連絡ください。</p>
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