Shopify アプリに関する話題はこちら
Hello @eyegeless
Renars here from Excelify (Matrixify).
You sure can look into using Filters for your exports to limit what items are exported.
When doing automated exports great filters are by dates. You can apply a filter for example by Created At date and select Relative Time condition and set, for example, Last 1 Days.
That will export Orders that were created in 1 last full day. So each time automated export runs it will export the last full day from the time when the export runs.
That can also be combined with other filters.
I hope that this was what you were looking for.
If not or if you have any more questions, please reach out to us directly so we can go into more details.
You can also reach out to our Japanese support.
Thank you for your reply.
I apologize for the lack of explanation about filtering.
My intention is not to filter the target record, but to filter the target item in the record.
I want to filter the target items in the record.
Also, instead of specifying filtering items on a case-by-case basis, I would like to register several patterns in advance and use them depending on the situation.
For example, if we want to link payment and delivery information with other systems, we would like to be able to specify the following
Taxes. Tax 1 only, no need for 2-5.
Payment information. Payment information: add only "Transaction.Gateway" to "Payment method"
As mentioned above, I would like to download the records by narrowing down or adding only some of the fields, instead of adding all of them in Excelify.
If you could tell me how to add them, I would be very grateful.
Also, thank you very much for letting me know the support contact in Japan!
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