Shopify テーマ、Liquid、ロゴ、その他の類似トピック
解決済! ベストソリューションを見る。
使われているテーマにより編集するファイルが異なるかと思いますが、該当箇所のliquidファイル(Debutテーマの場合は/snippets/product-price-listing.liquid ファイル)のバリエーションがある商品の場合の価格表示部分を以下のようにすれば表示されるかと思います。
{{ product.price_min | money }}〜{{ product.price_max | money }}
使われているテーマにより編集するファイルが異なるかと思いますが、該当箇所のliquidファイル(Debutテーマの場合は/snippets/product-price-listing.liquid ファイル)のバリエーションがある商品の場合の価格表示部分を以下のようにすれば表示されるかと思います。
{{ product.price_min | money }}〜{{ product.price_max | money }}
{% comment %}
@Anonymous class_root {String}
Base class root
@Anonymous show_range {Bool}
Show price range
@Anonymous price_range_format {String}
'range' or 'from', defaults to 'range'
@Anonymous product {Product}
Product to reference for price
@Anonymous compare_at_price_varies {Bool}
Displays a range price if a product's variants have differing prices
@Anonymous on_sale {Bool}
If a product, or one of it's variants is on sale
@Anonymous emphasize_price {Bool}
Used in product grid item to add placeholder space
@Anonymous show_original {Bool}
Show original price if is consistent across all variants
@Anonymous show_savings {Bool}
Line of text indicating maximum savings on sale items (ex. "Save up to 20%")
@Anonymous savings_format {String}
Percentage or money for show_savings line
{% endcomment %}
{% assign include_hidden_price = include_hidden_price | default: true %}
{% comment %}Inject @pixelunion/shopify-price-ui/price begin{% endcomment %}
{% comment %}
@Anonymous class_root {String}
Base class root
@Anonymous show_range {Bool}
Show price range
@Anonymous price_range_format {String}
'range' or 'from', defaults to 'range'
@Anonymous product {Product}
Product to reference for price
@Anonymous compare_at_price_varies {Bool}
Displays a range price if a product's variants have differing prices
@Anonymous on_sale {Bool}
If a product, or one of it's variants is on sale
@Anonymous emphasize_price {Bool}
Used in product grid item to add placeholder space
@Anonymous show_original {Bool}
Show original price if is consistent across all variants
@Anonymous show_savings {Bool}
Line of text indicating maximum savings on sale items (ex. "Save up to 20%")
@Anonymous savings_format {String}
Percentage or money for show_savings line
@Anonymous include_spacer {Bool}
Include a spacer div above the price when emphasize price is enabled and there is no 'compare-at' price
@Anonymous include_unit_price
Include the unit price line
@Anonymous include_tax_line
Include tax line
@Anonymous include_hidden_price
Include a hidden element with price data to use in cases of unavailable variants or cases where no variant
is selected by default
@Anonymous include_compare_price
Show compare at price
{% endcomment %}
{% assign price_min = nil %}
{% assign price_max = nil %}
{% assign compare_at_price_min = nil %}
{% assign compare_at_price_max = nil %}
{% assign price_varies = false %}
{% assign compare_at_price_varies = false %}
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{% if price_min == nil or variant.price < price_min %}
{% assign price_min = variant.price %}
{% endif %}
{% if price_max == nil or variant.price > price_max %}
{% assign price_max = variant.price %}
{% endif %}
{% assign tmp_compare_at_price = variant.compare_at_price %}
{% unless variant.compare_at_price %}
{% assign tmp_compare_at_price = variant.price %}
{% endunless %}
{% if compare_at_price_min == nil or tmp_compare_at_price < compare_at_price_min %}
{% assign compare_at_price_min = tmp_compare_at_price %}
{% endif %}
{% if compare_at_price_max == nil or tmp_compare_at_price > compare_at_price_max %}
{% assign compare_at_price_max = tmp_compare_at_price %}
{% endif %}
{% if variant.price != price_min %}
{% assign price_varies = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if tmp_compare_at_price != compare_at_price_min %}
{% assign compare_at_price_varies = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign show_range = show_range | default: false %}
{% comment %}{% assign price = product.price %}{% endcomment %}
{% assign compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price %}
{% assign variants = product.variants %}
{% assign price_range_format = price_range_format | default: 'range' %}
{% assign savings_format = savings_format | default: 'percentage' %}
{% assign on_sale = on_sale | default: false %}
{% assign emphasize_price = emphasize_price | default: false %}
{% assign show_original = show_original | default: false %}
{% assign show_savings = show_savings | default: false %}
{% assign class_root = class_root | default: 'product' %}
{% assign include_spacer = include_spacer | default: false %}
{% assign include_unit_price = include_unit_price | default: false %}
{% assign include_tax_line = include_tax_line | default: false %}
{% assign include_compare_price = include_compare_price | default: true %}
<div class="price {{ class_root }}__price {% if compare_at_price_varies %}price--varies{% endif %}">
{% if include_compare_price %}
class="price__compare-at {% if emphasize_price or on_sale and show_original %}visible{% endif %}"
{%- capture compare_at_price_html -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'product_price.price.original' | t }}</span>
<span class="money price__compare-at--single" data-price-compare>
{{ compare_at_price | money }}
{%- endcapture -%}
{% if compare_at_price_varies %}
{%- capture compare_at_price_range_html -%}
{% if price_range_format == 'range' %}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'product_price.price.original' | t }}</span>
<span class="money price__compare-at--min" data-price-compare-min>
{{ compare_at_price_min | money }}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'product_price.price.original' | t }}</span>
<span class="money price__compare-at--max" data-price-compare-max>
{{ compare_at_price_max | money }}
{% else %}
{{ 'product_price.item.price.range_html' | t: price: compare_at_price_html | strip_newlines }}
{% endif %}
{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% if compare_at_price_varies and on_sale and show_original and show_range %}
{{ compare_at_price_range_html }}
{% elsif on_sale and show_original %}
{{ compare_at_price_html }}
{% elsif emphasize_price and include_spacer %}
<span class="price__spacer"></span>
{% elsif show_original %}
<span class="money price__original" data-price-original></span>
{% endif %}
{% if include_hidden_price %}
{% comment %}
Hide an element containing compare at price info to fill in the price when no variant is selected
{% endcomment %}
<div class="price__compare-at--hidden" data-compare-price-range-hidden>
{% if price_range_format == 'range' %}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'product_price.price.original' | t }}</span>
<span class="money price__compare-at--min" data-price-compare-min>
{{ compare_at_price_min | money }}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'product_price.price.original' | t }}</span>
<span class="money price__compare-at--max" data-price-compare-max>
{{ compare_at_price_max | money }}
{% else %}
{{ 'product_price.item.price.range_html' | t: price: compare_at_price_html | strip_newlines }}
{% endif %}
<div class="price__compare-at--hidden" data-compare-price-hidden>
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'product_price.price.original' | t }}</span>
<span class="money price__compare-at--single" data-price-compare>
{{ compare_at_price | money }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="price__current {% if emphasize_price %}price__current--emphasize{% endif %} {% if on_sale %}price__current--on-sale{% endif %}" data-price-container>
{%- capture price_html -%}
<span class="money" data-price>
{{ price | money }}
{%- endcapture -%}
{% capture current_price_range_html %}
{% if price_varies %}
{% if price_range_format == 'range' %}
<span class="money price__current--min" data-price-min>{{ price_min | money}}</span>
<span class="money price__current--max" data-price-max>{{ price_max | money }}</span>
{% else %}
{{ 'product_price.price.range_html' | t: price: price_html | strip_newlines }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endcapture %}
{% capture current_price_html %}
{% if on_sale and show_original %}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'product_price.price.current' | t }}</span>
{% endif %}
{{ price_html }}
{% endcapture %}
{% if show_range and price_varies %}
{{ current_price_range_html }}
{% else %}
{{ current_price_html }}
{% endif %}
{% if include_hidden_price %}
{% comment %}
Hide an element containing current price info to fill in the price when no variant is selected
{% endcomment %}
<div class="price__current--hidden" data-current-price-range-hidden>
{% if price_range_format == 'range' %}
<span class="money price__current--min" data-price-min>{{ price_min | money}}</span>
<span class="money price__current--max" data-price-max>{{ price_max | money }}</span>
{% else %}
{{ 'product_price.price.range_html' | t: price: price_html | strip_newlines }}
{% endif %}
<div class="price__current--hidden" data-current-price-hidden>
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'product_price.price.current' | t }}</span>
{{ price_html }}
{% endif %}
{% if include_unit_price %}
{% assign variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant %}
{% capture total_quantity %}<span class="{{ class_root }}__total-quantity" data-total-quantity>{{ variant.unit_price_measurement.quantity_value }}{{ variant.unit_price_measurement.quantity_unit }}</span>{% endcapture %}
{% capture unit_price %}<span class="{{ class_root }}__unit-price--amount money" data-unit-price-amount>{{ variant.unit_price | money }}</span>{% endcapture %}
{% capture unit_measure %}<span class="{{ class_root }}__unit-price--measure" data-unit-price-measure>{%- if variant.unit_price_measurement.reference_value != 1 -%}{{ variant.unit_price_measurement.reference_value }}{%- endif %}{{ variant.unit_price_measurement.reference_unit }}</span>{% endcapture %}
{{ class_root }}__unit-price
{% unless variant.unit_price_measurement %}hidden{% endunless %}
{{ 'product_price.price.price_per_unit_html' | t: total_quantity: total_quantity, unit_price: unit_price, unit_measure: unit_measure | strip_newlines }}
{% endif %}
{% if include_tax_line %}
{%- capture tax_text -%}
{{ 'product_price.price.tax_line_html' | t }}
{%- endcapture -%}
{%- if tax_text != blank and class_root != 'productitem' -%}
<div class="
{{ class_root }}__tax
{% unless variant.taxable %}hidden{% endunless %}
{{ tax_text }}
{%- endif -%}
{% endif %}
{% comment %}Inject @pixelunion/shopify-price-ui/price end{% endcomment %}
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