Applying discounts on line item level with order create API

7 0 1

How to apply discounts on line item level while creating an order using order create API? I have tried applying discounts on the specific line item with "total_discount","discount_allocations","total_discount_set"  fields. But once the order is created the discount is getting applied on an order level.

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Staff
1829 269 406

Hey @sanjeev_kmr,


Those fields are read-only. You'll want to apply a discount which affects the line items.


Alternatively, you can apply line item discounts using checkout API or draft order API.

Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 

Shopify Partner
20 0 5

Hi. What are the writable fields?

Shopify Partner
13 0 1

I just spent a LONG time trying to get it working.


The only way I could was to first created a Shopify Draft order, add an 'applied discount', then complete the draft order.

If you are using the shopify_api gem, it looks like this

order_params = { 
  line_items: [
      variant_id: 39304862138471, 
      quantity: 1, 
      applied_discount: { value_type: 'fixed_amount', value: '100', amount: '100' } 
draft_shopify_order =!
draft_shopify_order.complete({ payment_pending: true }) # because i dont want the status to be Paid
Shopify Partner
10 0 1

Hi, were you able to modify the processed_at order date? We need to import orders from other old websites, and we are having a very had time trying to figure out how to process those orders and keep the old line_itme discounts when those only applied to certain items within the order and not to the whole.