Checkout create webhook registeration is failing

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

We are currently working on a dev app and we are receiving this response on trying to createthe CHECKOUTS_CREATE webhook



checkoutHookResponse CHECKOUTS_CREATE

{ success: false,

result: { data: { webhookSubscriptionCreate: [Object] },

extensions: { cost: [Object] }



report id: e68acf50-7174-40d8-b700-a74373e4759b

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
30 5 14



I'd suggest that you add the "userErrors" in your GraphQL query to give you a bit more context about what failed. You can refer to this doc for the specific query you're doing and this doc for the more general error handling:


I hope this helps you.




Cedric | Developer @ Shopify

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