Not able to create fulfillment order problem using npm shopify-api-node

1 0 0

Hi everyone,


I have just started with Shopify. I am trying to create a fulfilment using this code 


import Shopify from 'shopify-api-node';

const shopifyCon = new Shopify({
shopName: 'demo-shopname',
accessToken: 'ACCESSTOKEN',
apiVersion: '2023-04'

const createFulfillment = async (orderId, fulfillmentData) => {
try {
const fulfillment = await shopifyCon.fulfillment.create(orderId, fulfillmentData);
console.log('Fulfillment created:', fulfillment);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error creating fulfillment:', error);

// Usage example:
const orderId = '123456789'; // Replace with your order ID
const fulfillmentData = {
tracking_number: '1234567890', // Replace with the tracking number
tracking_urls: [''], // Replace with the tracking URL(s)
line_items: [
id: '987654321', // Replace with the line item ID
quantity: 1 // Replace with the quantity to fulfill

createFulfillment(orderId, fulfillmentData);


I am getting this error


Error creating fulfillment: HTTPError: Response code 400 (Bad Request)

timings: {
start: 1685883653312,
socket: 1685883653314,
lookup: 1685883653369,
connect: 1685883653449,
secureConnect: 1685883653527,
upload: 1685883653529,
response: 1685883654072,
end: 1685883654075,
error: undefined,
abort: undefined,
phases: {
wait: 2,
dns: 55,
tcp: 80,
tls: 78,
request: 2,
firstByte: 543,
download: 3,
total: 763


I can fetch the order details using this code :

const shopOrder = await shopifyCon.order.get(orderId);
But fulfilment creation is giving me an error. Please guide.
Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
391 40 162

Hi There,


That is a 3rd party package not written by Shopify itself, so you may have a hard time getting any real help with that. Your best bet is to contact the developer directly.


Sorry can't be of more help to you.



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4 0 2

Hello Irfanrasool,


We had the same issue and was solved migration to the new fulfillment service createV2. 

Here there is the documentation: to the params of the request. 

Best !

Shopify Partner
6 0 0

Hey Robles,


I'm using the following params for createV2, but still getting either bad request or 404 responses:


  line_items_by_fulfillment_order: [
also tried:
  fulfillment: {
    line_items_by_fulfillment_order: [
Would you be able to let me know how your params are structured (without sensitive data of course)?
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Shopify Partner
391 40 162
Hey there,

You are passing the wrong Id for fulfillment_order_id. It should not be the it should be the

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Shopify Partner
6 0 0

Thanks! As soon as I pasted the code, I realised what I was doing wrong! Thanks heaps!

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