0 in stock or inventory not tracked status for ALL of my products

0 in stock or inventory not tracked status for ALL of my products

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I have the Printful integration with my Shopify store. I was about to launch my store for the first time when I decided to check my product inventory first. Each product lists "Inventory as 0 in stock for " " variants" or "inventory not tracked ." However when i did a test purchase, it allowed me to select products for purchase without an "out of stock" warning. Can someone please help me understand this. I put alot of time into getting my storefront ready for launch but I don't want to launch it if no one can buy anything.

Thank you.

Replies 12 (12)

Shopify Partner
740 38 161


If you don't want users to purchase your out of stock items you will need to untick "inventory not tracked". If this is ticked the actual inventory level is ignored and customers are able to buy no matter what your inventory level.



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Hi Tom,


Thank you for your response. What I'm trying to figure out is how can every shirt, sweatshirt or hoodie that i've mocked up thru Printful be out of stock? Mind you, I don't "keep" inventory so anything showing under that column, I'm assuming, would be Printful's inventory. Can anyone confirm this?

Thank you.

Shopify Staff (Retired)
480 68 166

Hi, @soufwestthreads!

I'm Miles from the Social Care team at Shopify. I just wanted to tag onto to the last comment on this thread. To stop out of stock inventory, unticking "inventory not tracked" is the best way to do this. It's also best to make sure "Continue selling when out of stock" is not ticked.

In regards to why so many variants are out of stock, you would need to direct this questioning to Printful directly. Although they are an app in the Shopify App Store, they are a third-party, so Shopify is unable to support any issues faced with the app. If you go into your Printful app, you will be able to find the contact details for Printful and ask them why so much stock is sold out. They will be able to make sure the products have synced correctly and let you know if it's an error or something they can fix for you.

If you do need a hand at all after speaking with them, please let me know.

While you're waiting for a response from them, have you thought about how you're going to market your products? I recommend checking out Shopify Compass. Shopify Compass provides you with webinars and courses on things like store design, marketing and more. It's 100% free for everyone and new content is being added all the time. This program will help you drive more traffic into your store and also convert that traffic into sales.

Have you heard about the Shopify Blog? It's got loads of great content on ways for you to drive sales into your store. I've got some great recommendations below that I'd recommend taking a look at:

Driving Traffic but No Sales?
* We give you 13 steps to improve your conversions.
* Who is your target audience, and does your sites look and feel cater to them?
* Is your business trustworthy? (Also see the next recommendation below for more on this)

The 39-Point Store Trust Checklist
* Work through a checklist to make sure your store is trusted by potential customers.
* Look at the "nice to haves" vs "must-haves" in your store.
* Do you have essential information for your customers to view, like policies?

I wish you all the best with your launch!

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

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Hi Miles- thank you but I have the same issue and your solution is not working.

First, Printful specifically says NOT to set items to "Track Inventory" or "Continue selling"- they want the inventory to come from their end so they can stop people from buying out of stock items (they do run out of stock in specific locations for specific things)

Second, even if you do as you suggest, the items continue to show 0 units in stock, as you can see below.

Printful says it's a Shopify issue and to ask you guys...can you kindly advise? I am sure it's affecting many others.


Thank you!

Screen Shot 2021-01-15 at 10.39.44 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-01-15 at 10.13.16 AM.png

Shopify Staff (Retired)
480 68 166

Hi, @storellisoccer!

Thanks for letting me know you're experiencing similar issues. To clarify your first point, my original response stated to make sure"Track Inventory" and "Continue selling" are not ticked as a way to stop the products being displayed as available for the exact reason that you've specified; we don't want people to buy out of stock products when there is a third-party supplier involved.

For your main point of the theme showing "Only 0 left", this would be a theme-specific feature. If you're using a free Shopify theme, I encourage you to reach out to our live support team so we can access your store and work out what might be causing this. If it's a paid theme from a third-party, then you would need to contact them directly.

Are you able to tell me which theme you're using? Also, is this issue happening on multiple products or just the one in your example?

Once I know a bit more, I'll be better placed to direct you to the right place to get support for this issue. If this is urgent, my advice is to reach out to our live support directly as they're available 24/7.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

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Hi Miles!

Where do you check/uncheck these boxes? I've found that certain products (from Printful) don't have the track inventory section. Do I have to enable tracking on the Prinful end before I can complete the process in Shopify? 

Shopify Staff (Retired)
480 68 166

Hi, @JeremyT!

When it comes to Printful, the recommendation is to not change any of the settings yourself, as they will add inventory to the products as they come available/sell out. If you're unsure if you've got the right settings, I'd recommend chatting with them directly so they can steer you in the right direction.

I have a had a look through Printful's Help Center for you and found a guide that might be handy: https://bit.ly/3rXvU1z. Please let me know if you're still stuck and I'll be happy to point you in the right direction.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

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This is not a printify issue this is a shopify issue, because when publish is selected from printify it shows that everything is in stock, but when you look at your shopify page it says 0 if you track inventory which should be synced through printify through the supplier that is chosen. I didn't have a problem the first time i tried to do this but when i started all over again I can't get rid of this issue of Shopify saying i don't have any in stock. Also if Shopify is the center that we organize and sell from shouldn't Shopify make sure to make the efforts to fix or simplify a way to fix this communication error with one of their main apps? Beyond just ticking boxes to continue selling when out of stock?

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Did you ever find a solution for this issue ? However i edit all my products inventory as Printify (each product has related SKU  to track the inventory), it says 0 in the inventory. Is there any solution for this ?

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I'm experiencing the exact same thing...
it is happening to all of my products listed on hopify (synced from my Printify account)

On Printify:

・The products are all in stock!


On Shopify:

・"Inventory will be stocked at"-->Printify

・"Track Quantity" is ticked

・SKU auto filled from Printify


 i'm from 2024, anyone fixed it?

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Printify DOES NOT sync automatically stock quantities (absurdly) to shopify stores.  Because they dont want to lose any sales because of this, they have an option (trickery?) to enable "Order Routing", so that if any item is out of stock, they still can provide from other sellers if they have the same product (nobody can guarantee where the producer will be, in Zambia, in India, in Japan, in China? )
So the sale is NOT a LOSS..

In your case, to update stocks, you should do it manually from printify admin panel, for each item if they are "out of stock", or "back to stock.". You should update MANUALLY (Yes, How Logical..)






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Having the same issue, everyone says it’s everyone else’s fault. It was correct this morning and then I did an import from Printful and now Printful, SPOD, and Printify are all saying zero stock. It must be a Shopify setting.