Re: A spike in response code 400 from shopify webhooks

A spike in response code 400 from shopify webhooks

Shopify Partner
4 0 0

There has been a sudden spike in the 400 response code when we listen to certain shopify webhooks.

We have seen this for orders/fulfilled and checkout/update.

Because of this shopify has removed the webhook subscription for these topics for certain stores.

As this error is related to request format error. What's that we are missing here ?

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
23 2 5

Is it resolved ?
Can you please share more details? 

Harsh Patel
Shopify Partner
4 0 0

Hi Harsh,

It's not resolved yet. Un fortunately we don't have a lot of details around what exactly is happening here. We reached out to shopify support also to understand more about this as error code of 400 actually means the request is not correct.

We see this issue intermittently for some webhooks. And couple of our webhook subscriptions got removed because of this error.