Re: Adding A Hidden Field That Shows Up On Individual Orders

Adding A Hidden Field That Shows Up On Individual Orders

8 0 3

Hello. Is there an app (or other way) to add something to each individual listing that customers will not see, but I will on their order's page? Basically, I sell die cut stickers bother on Shopify & in person at craft shows. 


At shows I sell my stickers in binders with 4 designs per page in pocket sleeves. Each sticker has it's own number. They have a printed "sold out" card with the number that I reference when I need to restock. Their number is also the name of the image file & is the same in the Cricut program I use to make them so I can search & find easily. On Shopify, they all are listed with a descriptive name.


When I receive an order, there's a whole process of looking thru all the images I have to find the correct image number. I'd like to be able to add the number title of the sticker to a hidden field of some sort that will show up on the individual order page, but the customer won't see. I know I can add it to the title, but I find that visually unappealing.

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
2000 147 205

Hi @SandiTyche ,


Yes, You can create a metafield which will store these details, now you have to edit the product page and add below code.

<input type="text" name="properties[_uniquename]" value="{{product.metafields.custom.uniquename}}" />


This information will be hidden from the user but information will be visible in order.


If you are not technical or no experience with code, we can do this for you too or hire someone.


Hope this will help...

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To support Buy Me a Coffee
8 0 3

Hello & Thank you. I've worked with HTML and such, but I have no idea where to put this script. If you could give me some instructions, I would be forever (more) grateful.  TIA

Shopify Partner
2000 147 205

Hi @SandiTyche ,


If you are using DAWN theme you have to put above line in file named buy-buttons.liquid, please refer the screenshot below.




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To support Buy Me a Coffee
8 0 3

Thank you for that, but unfortunately, that's not what I'm looking for. It's visible on the website (example below). 


What I'm looking for is a field on the product creation page where I can enter information that will not be visible on the website, but I will see when the product is ordered on my order page. 


I'm looking for something like a "Subtitle" on the product creation page, preferably between Title & Description, that will not be visible on the website. But when there is an order, it will show up on their Order page, just like their variant choices do.


I would like to add the numerical title of the product that I use in the program to make the items. Right now, when someone orders, I need to look through all the images in a folder to find the number title to be able to do a quick search in the program I use to actually make/cut the decal or sticker. I'd like to be able to streamline the process by adding the numerical title to the listings w/o it being visible on the web page.




Shopify Partner
2000 147 205

Sorry for the miss




<input type="text" name="properties[_uniquename]" value="{{product.metafields.custom.uniquename}}" />



 with below code



<input type="hidden" name="properties[_uniquename]" value="{{product.metafields.custom.uniquename}}" />



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