Adding fulfillment date to invoice in Shopify Order Printer

Adding fulfillment date to invoice in Shopify Order Printer

21 0 0

I would like to include the fullfilment date on my invoices as billing date.


In the old Order Printer I just added 


{{ fulfillment.created_at | date: "%d/%m/%y" }}

But this seems not work in the  newest Shopify Order Printer anymore.


Whenever I used the code above nothing is shown.


How can I fix  this?

Replies 2 (2)
21 0 0

I changed the part code to this, but it did not help:


<p style="text-align: right; margin: 0;">
{{ order.order_name }}<br />
{% if order.po_number %}PO # {{ order.po_number }}<br />{% endif %}
{{ order.created_at | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}
{{ fulfillment.fulfillment_date | date: "%d/%m/%y" }}


1. The order has the status fulfilled.

2. Where can I see if the fulfillment date is properly set in the Shopify admin?

21 0 0

It still does not work.


1. The order has the status fulfilled.

2. The fulfillment date is properly set in the Shopify admin.