App for B2B and B2C from same inventory?

App for B2B and B2C from same inventory?

4 0 1

I'm trying to find a solution to selling both B2C and B2B from the same inventory.   I found an app that lets me control Wholesale accounts and give them a special discount.  The problem I haven't overcome is something that lets me give inventory preference to full priced Consumers. 


We stock a lot of SKUs and low quantities due to the nature of our products.  If I have 1 in stock, I'd like 1 available for B2C and zero available B2B.   Almost like a minimum B2C inventory, or a safety stock sort of setup. 


I've yet to figure out a way to accomplish it. 

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Hi @billguidry 👋 Two stores with data-sync apps, or inventory automations , is the sanest way to solve a lot of these issues, especially if multi-channel.


Or get an advanced theme customization to disable/change quantity inputs or add-to-cart buttons, etc.

That works with logged-in customer tags or metafields.

This presumes ALL sales go through the online sales channel.


Otherwise you need two distinct sets of product that in turn have custom inventory sync automations.

Often in tandem with customizations, or apps, to content gate the sets of products on the frontend between the two groups of purchasers.


All scenarios may also need backend order processes to reject B2B orders depleting inventory past the B2C threshold.


For creating custom inventory sync automations, or order validations,  see usemechanic 


If you need this type of automation or  customization then contact me by my email for services.
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Hey @billguidry!


My favorite app to recommend for any B2B functionality is Sparklayer. I was not familiar with the specific feature you are looking for, but I looked it up and it does seem that Sparklayer has a "reserved stock quantity" feature which sounds like what you are looking for (

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