App for Shopify Xero integration

App for Shopify Xero integration

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I am based in New Zealand and have been using an app to integrate between Shopify and Xero but it isn’t going well with several errors… we sell physical and digital products domestically (which include GST) and internationally ( which are exempt/zero rated). Has anyone had a good experience with an app to send details from Shopify to Xero? I am stuck

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Shopify Partner
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Hi @MargieOlds 

I hope you're doing well!

I recommend reaching out to the app's support team for assistance. They should be able to provide you with the best solutions for resolving the errors you're encountering. And other issues you're facing.

If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution.
For App Development and Design changes Hire Me.
Skype: live:hardikradadiya355
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Thanks I am currently in discussions with them but I was wondering if any other shopify users had a better solution or could suggest another app… I can’t be the only person in NZ trying to seamlessly export to Xero and differentiate products by GST or zero rated