App working in local environment but not on google cloud platform

App working in local environment but not on google cloud platform

Shopify Partner
11 1 3

Have had an app working for over 6 months scraping data from websites and updating inventory on Shopify via graphql + google cloud platform. Overnight all of my functions are broken and won't connect to Shopify from the cloud anymore. I can run the exact same code from a local environment without any issues. Why am I unable to connect to Shopify anymore? 


Why would this break overnight? 
Why can I run from local machine with the exact same code but not on Google Cloud Platform? 

    session = shopify.Session(SHOP_URL, API_VERSION, PASSWORD)
    print("error connecting shopify")


{"errors":"[API] Invalid API key or access token (unrecognized login or wrong password)"}


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

I seem to be running into a similar problem. Please let me know if you found a fix for the problem or not.