Re: ApplyOnNextBillingCycle not working as expected

ApplyOnNextBillingCycle not working as expected

Shopify Partner
7 0 2

I am testing BillingReplacementBehavior and had expected to be able to control when downgrades take place or at least to be control how the downgrade / cancellation is prorated. 


I had wanted to use an entry level usage based plan and then let users upgrade to month subscriptions with a usage limit bundled into the subscription. After testing, downgrading from the monthly plan to the usage based plan happen immediately and I am not able to control how the prorating work.  I really wanted to avoid creating more complex hybrid subscription + usage plans, but I think this may be the only way to achieve the pricing structure I was after. 


Anyone find a way to accomplish this or similar? 

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
29 7 5

If you are using test mode for the billing API, unfortunately it does not reflect the real behaviour when downgrading.


See previous threads:

If you like my suggestion please give it a LIKE or mark it as a solution! ★★★★★

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Shopify Partner
7 0 2

Thanks! I searched around for previous threads on this. Not sure how I missed that one. 


Billing seems like one of the more important areas of the API to have complete and consistent test coverage of between test and prod...