Can any apps automate both tagging and untagging products?

Shopify Partner
21 1 5

I know there are apps to automatically tag products, however, I've  just tried one and it doesn't seem to untag them!

Are there any apps that automate tagging AND untagging?

Replies 2 (2)

17 1 2

Hi @Vinnydude 

I can recommend checking out Arigato Automation. With this app, you can create an automated task to tag products/customers/orders when specific conditions are met. You can also remove the tag after a custom delay(hours/days/etc). Here is an example workflow from our automation library that can help to quickly get started: Tag new customers with the "New member" tag and remove it after 6 months

You can also reach out to the support team here if you need a hand with the implementation.

Shopify Partner
21 1 5

Hi Kenny,

Unfortunately a time delay will not work.

I've migrated a store to shopify and there are quite a few products that are out of stock and I'm using manual collections which means I can't utilize the automated collection trick to hide out of stock products from a collection.

I'm waiting to leverage an automated tag that will add and remove itself depending on stock level. This way I can filter the items out of a collection and still have working pagination.