Back In Stock Or Pre Order Apps With CSV Import

Back In Stock Or Pre Order Apps With CSV Import

Shopify Partner
12 0 3

We have a pretty big catalogue and fairly high turnover.  This results in stockouts of key SKUS no matter how hard we try.


What we'd really like to do is once we have ordered from our supplier, format the CSV we get (we can do that bit!) into a simple CSV which has a SKU column, an incoming quantity column and a date expected column, to then import into an app which can display something like "18 expected on 1st July" and then allow the customer to set up an alert and or preorder.  We would only want to take preorders or back in stock requests on items we know are actually inbound.


All the apps like this I've seen require you to manually set up products one by one which is not ideal when we have 150+ SKUs on a supplier order at a time.


Any ideas on this one?

Replies 3 (3)

2 0 1

Did you ever find a solution for this? I am looking to accomplish the same thing, looks like there are a ton of pre order apps but unclear if any allow that import functionality.

2 0 0

Hi, Were you able to find a solution to bulk upload products that fall into the pre-order category type?



2 0 1

Unfortunately no. We resorted to listing everything as in stock and deal with it on a case by case basis