Blank div cover app iframe inside shopify admin

Blank div cover app iframe inside shopify admin

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

I created a new Shopify app from shopify CLI, using the standard template.
When I tested the app locally using `shopify dev`, it worked and I saw the home page of the app inside the iframe.

Then I tried deploying the app to a server in aws. I set up the machine and updated the app urls to point to my new server. I had some trouble with OAuth but I managed to solve it.

Now, when I open my app inside a shopify test store, the page appears entirely blank (I mean only the part where my app should show up, the header and sidebar from shopify is showing just fine).



I see no errors on the devtools console or network.

What am I missing ?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Maybe I should mention that below this blank div, the iframe is showing the correct page from my app. I can see the iframe if I manually place a "display: none" css rule in the blank div above.
