BOLD Subscriptions outrageous billing errors

BOLD Subscriptions outrageous billing errors

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Has anyone else been affected by the recent transaction fee billing errors by Bold Subscriptions V2?


It is absolutely outrageous!!!


I first saw a red flag when I got charged transaction fees by Bold 3 days in a row. I sent them and email, and after repeated “status updates”, they FINALLY replied today. Their solution?


“Sorry we made a mistake. Shopify will refund you the incorrect amount in a few weeks. In the meantime, we are going to go ahead and charge you the correct amount right away”. 

i sent a follow up email to their customer service manager and got a generic reply that didn’t address my question. All this, on the heels of a horrendous migration experience from V1 to V2, numerous issues with large numbers of subscriptions not processing on a regular basis, and the absolute ineptitude of their first tier customer service team, and now this.


I know the other alternatives like ReCharge have their own problems, but I absolutely want to jump ship. Bold is absolute joke. 

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