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Bundle Konfigurator (Kunde muß sich eine Variante eines anderen Artikel aussuchen) gesucht

Bundle Konfigurator (Kunde muß sich eine Variante eines anderen Artikel aussuchen) gesucht

2 0 0

Wir verkauf u.a. Medaillen für sportliche Wettkämpfe. Zu einer Medaillen Variante (Gold, Silber, Bronze) soll sich der Kunde eine Variante eines Medaillen Bandes (33 Varianten) und ein Emblem (ca. 320 Varianten), was die Sportart grafisch darstellt, aussuchen. Die entsprechenden Artikel sollen am Ende alle im Warenkorb liegen.

Kann mir jemand sagen, welche App das leisten kann? 

Freundliche Grüße aus dem Bergischen Land


Shopify Partner
740 38 161


Sorry writing in English. The issue you would have is Shopify limits how many variants you can have to 100. There are a couple of ways to get around it like splitting the product up so you can then combine different designs on product page. Similar to this:

There they split based on colour so in your case you could split based on gold silver bronze although this will still mean you have more than 100 variants per product. Check out Infinite Options in the app store as they might be useful for you however you cannot track inventory using that app.



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Thank you for your answer. The main problem is that the additional selections, which in my case are real products that are also created in the webshop, have to be in the shopping cart at the end of the order. So far I have not found an app that can do this.

Shopify Partner
740 38 161


We have our own bundling solution which converts your products into the components. So in your case each variant would actually be a bundled product.

The main issue is that you have too many variants to work under Shopify limitations otherwise our solution would work for you.

