Re: Image mapping or hotspots?

Can I create customizable image hotspots with hyperlinks?

2 0 1

I want to have 1 image with say 5 clickagle spots on the image? Like something this allows ->

I found one app that provides close to what i want ->

But it doesn't allow hyperlinks and the hotspots aren't customizable.


Replies 24 (24)

Shopify Partner
1548 44 349

Hey @Adam_Johan 

I've made a simple Shopify section that allows you to place hotspots/tooltips on a prset image.

You can have a look at, there is a demo there, installation instructions and also a link to Github where you can get the code.


The tooltip content is HTML so you can add links, images...

There are some color options in the theme settings.


Hope it helps




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33 0 72

Hi @Mircea_Piturca - your seems to have great promise, but I can't figure out how to configure my image in Shopify.


On a Shopify custom page, do I add something like this?


<div id="shopify-section-tooltips" class="shopify-section sd-tooltips" label="Main image"><img src=" ... .jpg?v=1000099300"></div>



Or do I configure the .jpg in tooltips.liquid somehow? I've read your instructions and the code a few times, but Shopify is new to me and I can't figure this out 😞

Shopify Partner
1548 44 349

Hey @aj007 

On a product page you can include the section using:


{% section "tooltips" %}

On homepage, you can select Tooltips" section from the Theme Editor 


Make sure you add these files to their respective folders:

See assets and sections folders.


After this, go to theme editor. In the section settings you can select the image to use and all the tooltips content.

Hope it helps


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33 0 72

Hi @Mircea_Piturca 


I had already copied tooltips.liquid into sections and tooltips.js into assets - and finally found the UI you're referring to in the Home page Theme Editor now that you explained it (probably should note that in your docs as well).


But... I'm actually looking to add this to one of my custom pages (i.e. in ''), where all I'm given is an HTML editor. Do I have to create a whole new page template in order to add {% section "tooltips" %} or something?


Sorry, I'm quite new at all this Shopify stuff 😞



33 0 72

Hi again @Mircea_Piturca ... think I figured most of it out on my own.


One thing I can't figure out - how to change the color of the ordered list's '.tooltip-title' given that my site's background is (almost) black, as you can see in the following screenshot:


Screenshot 2019-07-04 at 08.11.00.png



Other than that this is working great. Thanks so much!


PS. for others' benefit, to get this far I...

  • Copied tooltips.liquid into sections and tooltips.js into assets

  • Created new page template called 'page.tooltips.liquid' and pasted this at the bottom:
    {% section "tooltips" %}

  • Changed my custom page to use this new template: 'page.tooltips'

  • Edited my custom page using the Theme Editor (Online Store | Themes | Customize) to add and position the tooltips (and the image itself)

  • Various tweaks to 'tooltips.liquid' to squish things a bit more for small screens
Shopify Partner
1548 44 349


Happy you got it going.


Hopefully with the new Shopify Sections changes the process will me more straightforward. 

Good point, I will try to update the install guide.


There are no section settings for what particular case but you can solve it with CSS.

Assuming that your "mobile" breakpoint is at 660px, you can use a mediaquerry to make the title white:


@media (max-width: 660px) { 
  .tooltip-title {
    color: white;


Looking forward to see a link when this goes live!


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33 0 72

Thanks @Mircea_Piturca - I tried the following and it worked for both laptop and mobile. Not sure if this is a better or worse solution for tooltip-title than what you propose above (??)


I only half know what I'm doing 🙂


Wrapped with <span style="color: #E7E7E7;"> ... </span> ... so:

        <span style="color: #E7E7E7;"><strong class="tooltip-title" role="none">{{ block.settings.title }}</strong></span>
Shopify Partner
1548 44 349

That will work but CSS it's a better option and will give you more flexibility in the future.

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1 0 0

Is it possible to add a hyperlink to the popup?

Shopify Partner
1548 44 349

Hey @LynetteS 

The tooltip supports HTML, you can add the link in there. Something like this:

<a href="some-link-url">Some link</a>


Please see the attachment.

Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 11.21.47.png 

Finally—Add variant descriptions to your products
62 0 11

Dear  @Mircea_Piturca



Do the codes still work in the current version of shopify? I'm using the Dawn theme and I've tried to implement the tooltip options you provided. However, the image is not mouse responsive. I implemented the tooltip on my store's homepage.

My website is:


Please could you tell me what's going on?

13 0 5



Can I use this code into Dawn theme? Because I can't those options.


7 0 1



Thanks for the app, I've just tried it and it works well, but i cant figure out how to make the main image smaller on desktop, it looks huge 

Shopify Partner
1548 44 349

@FakhriAshour It is a CSS issue. Your theme is interfering with the section code.

Please post here the URL and we will be able to tell what is wrong.

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7 0 1
Hello, thanks for the the reply

heres's an example page with the image
Shopify Partner
1548 44 349

@FakhriAshour you need to set a max-width on that sections.

Just add this into your theme CSS file:


.tooltips-section {
  max-width: 73.8rem;
  margin: 0 auto;
Finally—Add variant descriptions to your products
1 0 0

@Mircea_Piturca is it possible to have customers add their own hotspots to the image? And that data be sent to the checkout for us to see their inputs.

Shopify Partner
1548 44 349

@GabbyElan The section does not provide this functionality but you could modify the code and pass this data as line items to the order.

It can be complicated but possible.

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Shopify Partner
10 0 3

how can i use this as hover and hover out?

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Hi, I have used your code in dawn theme and the text is not appearing upon clicking. Kindly help

2 0 0

The same thing happened to me. Did you manage to find a solution?

36 1 4

Hello, im using your tool and i love it, what code i need to change to show a symbol or letter instead of numbers in the spots? thanks you very much

2 0 0

I am also interested in this possibility. Did you manage to figure it out?