Can I integrate payment options like order pump and OTO in my Korean online store?

Can I integrate payment options like order pump and OTO in my Korean online store?

1 0 4

Hi, Shopify.

I am Sunju.


I'm running a business in Korea and I want to make a shopping mall with Shopify. Please check if all of the conditions below are possible.


#1. Each product should be able to apply order pump, OTO, upselling, downselling, etc. to the payment part. Is it possible?


#2. Can the problem #1 be solved by integrating Shopify and Clickfunnel?


#3. Paygate should use PG that can be paid in Korea. (ex. Eximbay)


In conclusion, I wonder if it is possible to design the payment part of the product as orderbump, photo, etc. while integrating Shopify and ClickFunnel and select PG that can be paid in Korea.


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4 0 14

For South Korean payment methods (South Korean cards, Kakao Pay, Naver Pay, Samsung Pay and PayCo) check this article >> Integrating South Korean Payment Methods for Shopify via Stripe | LinkedIn