Why is my session variable not working in my Python-built Shopify app?

Shopify Partner
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I'm building Shopify App using Python(Flask framework). On post-installation, I create a session variable as below and then redirect to my app main page


session['current_profile_id'] = my_profile_id_value


 From my app, I try to read the value but always got None which means the session variable was somehow not set.




Can I use sessions to share data across my app? 

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Hii @sgtlab,
I hope this link is helpful for you. 

Thank You.

Shopify Partner
5 1 1

My app is an embedded app so it is loaded inside an iframe from Shopify admin. It seems that the session cannot be used in Iframe.

There is a report here someone facing the same issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60605801/flask-session-is-not-persisting

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