Contrado products Not showing on Shopify even though it’s synced

Contrado products Not showing on Shopify even though it’s synced

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Hi ya

I have a contrado store set up with all of my own designs ready for drop shipping and the app installed on Shopify. The two are connected up but for some reason my collections and products wont sync into the Shopify store. 
They worked previously when the initial connection was made but some product names needed to be edited and some products needed to be deleted. It hasn’t worked since. Any ideas?  

Replies 2 (2)

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Have you solved this issue yet? I am experiencing something very similar but for me it just stopped syncing newly added products. I hit the "sync" button on the website it self and now it has had a "syncing in progress" disclaimer for hours. 

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This is still happening with me, too, and around the same time you originally posted your situation (mid-August). I've manually synced using the button on Contrado, yet new products I create are just no appearing in my Shopify store. I received a few emails from Contrado, but nothing definitive, with the last response being they had raised this to their technical team for review. Very frustrating, indeed.