Custom field - evaluation of collection list and shipping time

Shopify Partner
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I need to display shipping time, if the product is in "Europe Warehouse" collection then the field should display "1-5 days"

if there product is not listed in "Europe Warehouse" collection

then then the field should display "5-20 days"

Below my code. It almost work, but unfortunately if there is more collection it always repeat the result, And for product that is in Europe Warehouse it shows 1-5 days, but for all other product that are in few collections it shows: 5-20 days 5-20 days 5-20 days 5-20 days 5-20 days


{% for collection in product.collections %}
{% if collection.title contains "Europe Warehouse" %}

Shipping time: 1-5 days

{% then %}
Shipping time: 5-20 days

{% endif %}

{% endfor %}

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