Does this exist? Dynamic Menu pre-order app(s) linked to calendar, banner announcement and countdown

Does this exist? Dynamic Menu pre-order app(s) linked to calendar, banner announcement and countdown

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menu ordering banner.pngLooking for suggestions for an app that combines many functions. For reference, my business is a home sourdough bakery that functions from local customer pre-orders. Customers currently place orders for weekly "Bake Days" through the Simply Bread platform but I would like to transfer orders to my shopify store. In order to do this I need to confirm many functions for a seamless customer experience and I have been unable to find an app or combination of apps that perform these tasks. so far I have tried the following shopify apps: Bird app, Timesact, Countdown Timer Bar, Quick Announcement Bar, Store Pickup. Attached are images from an example site that best reflects what I would like my site to functon as.


1) weekly pre-order menu that includes a scheduled launch date and close date for local pickups. needs to link to a calendar that blocks off days outside of available pickup day. also needs to show the pickup window of a few hours that day.

2) menu is linked to announcement banner located under header of homepagemenu dates.png

3) product quantity can be customized for each pre-order menu (not overall reflective of all quantities in stock for that product)

4) Ideally would include a countdown timer that automatically starts when 24 hours remain before pre-orders close for that menu

5) In a perfect world future pre-order menus would be visible with a email or text signup form to be notified once the menu is live

pre-order checkout.png

Please let me know if there is an app or combination of apps that would cover all of these dynamic functions.


Thank you in advance!

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